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Posts posted by poetsandwriters

  1. Has anyone reached out to professors at schools after receiving an acceptance? A couple have reached out to me, but there's also other faculty whom I think have interests who fit mine. Should I wait until the visiting days? Or after April 15th? What if my decision more or less rides on who will be able to work with me at a certain school?


    I am planning to talk to them at the visiting days and email if they're not there/we don't get to talk that much. But then, I'm likely only visiting one school and am leaning hard toward it. If I had more, like you (!), I might email first.


    Good luck!!

  2. Can anyone claim the Columbia acceptance? And if you can, was it a personalized email or a mass one? This seems like a sign that they are finished making their decisions, in which case I just want to know if not getting that email equates to being rejected.


    I posted the Columbia acceptance! (I feel a little shy about these boards, but I'm definitely a lurker.)


    It was a pretty generic email from Alan Stewart, the DGS, but he CCed the professor I am most interested in working with, who then emailed me a few minutes later with a much more personalized email. So... somewhere in between the two? I'm sorry, I honestly don't know if they're finished notifying or not. If I had to guess, I would say no, since there aren't a lot of posts up yet, and I know they're a pretty big program.


    Best of luck, everyone!! (I applied to Cornell, Berkeley, Chicago, and Virginia too, and watched all of those acceptances go up without hearing a peep... I was pretty convinced I was out of the running until today!)

  3. But... the course listing doesn't say when the classes are held! That seems strange.


    I'm a current student here, in the MFA program. Yes, our coursebook doesn't say the times, lol. It's a little crazy. But here's the link to the Class Search, so you can look up specific classes: https://courses.osu.edu/psp/hcosuct/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/COMMUNITY_ACCESS.CLASS_SEARCH.GBL


    (I think that should work. If not, you can go to buckeyelink.osu.edu and then click on "Schedule of Classes" and then "Class Search" on the left-hand side.)


    Also, when you're putting in the number of the course you're interested in, set the drop-down to "contains" rather than "is exactly." Also also, make sure you uncheck "Show open courses only."


    Hope that helps! I've never posted on here before, but I saw a question I could actually help with! :)

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