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Posts posted by JimmyK4542

  1. I'm a current Tech undergrad, and strongly considering staying here for a masters. On campus housing is decent (was good enough for the 1996 Olympic athletes), but its a sort of rip-off cost wise (~$4k/semester). If you do rent an off campus apartment, make sure its in a safe area.

  2. 1. To go from X to Y, you either go forward 4 units, or go backward 4 units. To go from Y to Z, you either go forward 9 units, or go backward 9 units. So, to go from X to Y to Z, we have to either:
    go backward 4 units and backward 9 units (total: backward 13)
    go backward 4 units and forward 9 units (total: forward 5)
    go forward 4 units and backward 9 units (total: backward 5)
    go forward 4 units and forward 9 units (total: forward 13)
    So, the distance from X to Z is either 5 or 13. Since 13 is not an answer choice, pick 5.


    2. Use proportions: train speed = (s miles)/(t hours) = (y miles)/(x hours). Solve to get x = ty/s.

    3. Since the experiment has only 3 disjoint outcomes, the probabilities must sum to 1. Thus, p + p/2 + p/4 = 7p/4 = 1, so p = 4/7.

  3. If you can, you should try to visit both Georgia Tech and UPenn and decide afterwards. Even if you can't visit, you should make sure the GRASP lab and/or any other labs your interested in can and are willing to take you before committing to one school or another.

  4. I got this letter as well. I did check the "consider me for the MS program" box, and I have no research experience and an average SOP. So, this probably isn't an error. It was kinda annoying to get the excitement of being accepted and then realize it was only to the MS program, but it's still better than a flat rejection.

    Out of curiosity, how hard is it to get a TA or RA position as an MS student? I know TA positions are only offered to students who have been at Stanford for 1 quarter, but I have no idea what my chances are of getting such a position.

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