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Posts posted by InTheKnow

  1. Since its almost June and I don't have funding yet, I have been very aggressive about applying for assistantships.

    Yesterday a new GA position was made available that I would be PEFECT for. Not to mention it pays well and would give some great experience to boot.

    The issue is that I now have an interview scheduled for one of the other assistantships which does not pay as much and I am not as interested in it as much as the other GA position. . If I'm offered it, I'd hate to pass on it though since this is a very competitive year to get funding. Also, I found out from the office of the GA I really want that they will not be making decisions for another three weeks.

    If I'm offered an assistantship, do I have to decide right away, or can I have a few days to decide. Is a week's time to much?

  2. This is an issue I've been starting to think about ever since I started following this thread.

    I'm 30 years old and moving to a MUCH smaller town (big city population to 50,000+ residents.) Five years ago I would have said, yeah sure no problem here. But now that I'm 30...it's starting to hit me about what I'm getting myself into here!

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