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    2013 Fall

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  1. Yale and Columbia move up. Public institutions will be hurt by decreasing availability of funding relative to private schools. Center of gravity of the discipline could shift away from Madison/Michigan/Berkeley, which would be unfortunate in many ways.
  2. I can claim two! Email from graduate coordinator at Ann Arbor. An email from my POI at Berkeley about 20 minutes later. I am still in a bit of shock. Best of luck to all and drink lots of water.
  3. Princeton acceptances -- care to share any details on DiMaggio's email? Personalized? Generic?
  4. You'll have to look into Salganik at Princeton. He's got a book about methods from CS and their applications to sociology. THere's also a paper about wiki-fying survey research that I thought was pretty interesting. Evans at Chicago is the other great thinker in this area.
  5. I would be happy to offer some comments, please pm me. You might want to change your name though -- real names and internet postings are a bad mix.
  6. I'd recommend picking up "Remaking Modernity" -- it's a state of field collection of essays published in 2005 from all of the big boys in Comp-hist sociology. All of the top schools have a comp-hist guy/gal that's pretty well respected...
  7. I've been accepted to a masters. Not one in Soci. Working to apply for PhD programs in fall of '13. Emailed UG thesis adviser, thanked him for LoR for MA He responds that "Recommendations have a half-life of about one year. Mine won't mean that much this fall." I'm approach a year and change out of my UG years. Current letters depleted? Is this a polite way of saying no? He advised my thesis. No LoR from him -- a red flag for sociology programs?
  8. I've been accepted to a MA in the fall. Working on PhD applications now. Spoke with my UG thesis adviser, thanking him for LoR for the MA. He wrote in an email that getting a LoR from someone in my future MA program would be more meaningful for me. "Recommendations have a half-life of about one year...Mine won't mean much." I went to a top school and he advised my thesis. If I don't have him, isn't that a huge red flag? I haven't formally asked him for a PhD LoR. Is this a polite pre-emptive no? An anecdote or advice would be much appreciated. I'm freaking out quite a bit.
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