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Posts posted by KLD3

  1. I've narrowed my choices down to Berkeley and Minnesota. I would appreciate opinions!


    Minnesota awarded me a scholarship covering 100% of my tuition for both years and health benefits. Berkeley will waive most of my tuition if I can get an assistantship, but I would still end up paying around $30k with other fees. The cost of living is much lower in Minnesota, and I'd actually have a higher salary while still in the program, since I'm not obligated to work on campus. That allows me to work part-time in my previous field and save a pretty good amount of money. 


    After I graduate, I plan to work for a non-profit. I'd rather not get into the specifics of my focus, but I don't expect to earn very much more than 50 - 60k. Because of this, do you think it would still be worth it to go to Berkeley and owe the extra 30k? It's possible having Berkeley on my resume would help me get more appealing or slightly higher-paying jobs, but it's difficult to predict.


    Money aside, I'm much more excited about Berkeley. It would be a more inspirational learning environment for me, and I'm excited about the faculty and the city itself (especially the warmth!). I just don't know if it's so much better that it's worth thirty thousand dollars. 


    Clearly I'm running out of time, so I would love your input!

  2. Glad to know I'm not the only one. Congrats on Georgetown! What program did you apply to? I did Security, Law, and Diplomacy. Where are you leaning if you don't mind me asking? Their in-state tuition offer is pretty enticing at LBJ...


    At UT? I applied to the MPAff. 


    I have no idea! I didn't get a fellowship at Berkeley, and it sounds like it may take a few months to secure an assistantship, so that's not going to be a guarantee before April 15th. I didn't hear ANY financial information yet from Minnesota or Georgetown. I'm very confused right now. I really don't want massive loans, so I'm hoping something comes through soon.  


    Do you know where you're leaning?


    The Admissions Coordinator emailed me back saying that acceptances will continue to roll out until Monday, and that they're just manually updating the system as we speak. My status was "in review" until I emailed him and recieved my acceptance this morning....good luck!


    Thanks for the update!

  3. Congrats to everyone on their admittance and awards. My status is still "Under Review." I have been accepted to GSPIA PITT, Korbel, and Patterson at Kentucky. I consider those programs to be in the range of LBJ. I submitted in late December. I'm starting to wonder what's going on with LBJ considering they were the first program due and now the last to get back to me. Any thoughts?


    I haven't heard from LBJ yet either. I found an email the admissions coordinator sent back in November, and it says decisions will be released in the first two weeks of March. Looks like they're right on schedule, and we have a few more days before we should allow ourselves to worry. (Ha!...)

  4. So did I!! Just when I was beginning to feel really confident about going to a solid, local school, and staying in the same city as my partner. Too confused to even process the news right now...


    No fellowship, though. I'm going to have to do a lot of research on getting assistantships.

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