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Posts posted by RedskinsRule

  1. ... the one you posted from another account? There are no other posts from you.

    I don't think your other post (as captdelorean, presumably?) is accurate either for reasons stated in my post(s) below that one. But I'm not going to beat a dead horse, so I'll just leave it at that.


    No, I'm not him. I probably was mistaking posting in another topic for this one.

  2. I don't think the law school advice was completely serious...it was moreso to make a point that at that level of debt and risk, you might as well be getting a (potentially more lucrative) law degree, even in this employment climate. I'm pretty sure law school was not cptdelorean's serious prescription for this particular case. I don't think anyone is actually advocating going into an unrelated field.


    Thank you for being able to actually read Valar.


    I'm glad someone on this forum can.

  3. The Admissions Coordinator emailed me back saying that acceptances will continue to roll out until Monday, and that they're just manually updating the system as we speak. My status was "in review" until I emailed him and recieved my acceptance this morning....good luck!


    By your signature, looks like you got money too?


    Is UT very generous or do we just have insanely qualified people on this board?


    The longer I don't hear, the more worried I am that I am not going to receive any funding...

  4. I received an email from Prabhu this morning with funding information. They offered to waive out of state tuition and provided a stipend, albeit less than the amounts I've seen others post. I live in the western US if that helps. Also, I will most likely be declining the award, so that money should be freed up fairly soon.


    Was Prabhu responding to an e-mail of yours or did she just send it to you?

  5. Wow, congrats to both of you!! Those are some amazing offers. Hopefully they will send rest of the funding letters out tomorrow...glad to hear they are sending them by email and not snail mail, though!


    If I am correct in my assumption, both recipients are international, which is why they probably got an e-mail version.

  6. Wow, those are amazing. Congratulations (I hope some of that fellowship money you don't accept can go to some other people, haha!)


    Can you guys post your stats if you don't mind? I have no idea how they deal out these fellowships.


    Did you get an e-mail or letter in the mail?

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