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Posts posted by kriskoekk

  1. As far as I know there's nothing like a commuter train. The best thing might be the shuttle, at least for your first time. Then after that you can probably get a friend or classmate to give you a ride (it's only about a twenty or thirty minute drive). Or you could maybe rent a car, but I'm not sure that would be any cheaper than the shuttle. Also try asking the Office of International Students and Scholars or whatever other office you may be working through when it comes closer to your time to travel to Iowa City--they may have some other ideas or could send a current student to pick you up.

  2. I did my undergrad there! Let me know what program you're looking at, and maybe I can even tell you something about the buildings/facilities. The below poster is somewhat right about the downtown area. It is wonderful! IC has one downtown/campustown area and it is always bustling. It is full of little shops, independent bookstores, and yes, lots of bars. There is a lot of ethnic food--I can think of Indian, Thai, Italian, an Irish pub, really good sushi, a noodle place, some good Mexican, and a greek place off the top of my head. And those are just the cheap places. The campus bus system is free and it also runs to some of the neighborhoods that are heavily populated by students. The city bus system is also very good, but you would need to buy a pass for that. Outdoor recreation is wonderful. There is a very nice mall in the connected city of Coralville with a SuperWalmart (yuck) and a big Target and all the chain stores you could want. Let me know if you need info about where to live or have any other questions. I can definitely hook you up!

  3. I've been babysitting my brother and sister, who are in highschool. That means cooking dinner, chauffering, doing piles of dishes, and loads of laundry. And meanwhile having no clean underwear of my own. I can't check my mail, so that's off my mind. No email at the house. But I do get to referee fights over the bathroom, the computer, the phone, and curfews. It's good times. Anyone want to take a shift?

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