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    Medford, MA
  • Application Season
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  • Program
    MA English Composition

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  1. I'm in a somewhat similar situation--almost finished with my (partially-funded) MA, and not sure if I should pursue a PhD or try to teach. I will say, as someone who has 2 years of experience with graduate coursework, that I would absolutely *not* recommend pursuing a PhD if you're feeling "meh" about it. The MA workload is already stressful, and a PhD in English can often take 7 years or more to complete, even if you already have an MA. That's an enormous commitment. What might be a good compromise, if you're still unsure, is to look into PhD programs that require you to complete all of the requirements for an MA in the first 1-2 years. That way, if the PhD track turns out it's not for you, you could potentially withdraw after completing the MA. [Disclaimer: I have *not* actually tried this approach myself! I do know people that have, but my advice on that matter is heresay:) ] With that said, I have rather different feelings than most of the other posters in this thread about attending a program that allows you to teach immediately upon beginning your studies. I took several pedagogy classes *before* teaching, and my assistantship required increasing levels of responsibility and work. I absolutely cannot imagine teaching my own course during my first semester; yes, many many programs work that way, but not necessarily for the better. I think that approach cheapens the importance of pedagogy for both the institution and the students. Again, this seems to be an unpopular opinion, but keep in mind that teaching immediately upon beginning your studies is not necessarily going to make you a better teacher or scholar, nor improve your job prospects.
  2. Oh, and UMass Boston for me! Haha. Congrats everyone It was difficult to turn down Syracuse, but I have to go where the money is.
  3. I *almost* went there. I was just surprised to see the name because it's such a small program! Enjoy!!
  4. I am in the same boat with Purdue. I have applied to five programs and was accepted to the other four, and have not heard a single peep from Purdue. I have fellowship offers that aren't even going to give me till the 15th to decide, so I'm pretty stumped about what to do right now. And on an unrelated note, I was also accepted to the English MA at UMB, so congrats future potential classmate!! I have already contacted one program that I've been waitlisted for funding at, and they responded similarly to Penn State, saying that they are making decisions and their hands are tied. It's very frustrating. I did ask for more time for one offer and they gave me an additional week, but it looks like that's not going to be nearly enough. Sigh. Good luck!
  5. Is anyone else still waiting on Purdue? I'm very frustrated.
  6. Has anyone had luck with Purdue yet? I'm STILL waiting. I've also been accepted to Syracuse but have been waitlisted for funding, and meanwhile I've been offered a fellowship at a less prestigious university with a ticking deadline to accept. I'm so, so lost.
  7. I'm waiting for acceptance... or rejection... to Rhet Comp MA. Sigh.
  8. Hello everyone! I am very new to the grad school application process (I'm currently in my fifth semester of undergrad). I am looking at various MA English programs and cannot decide whether to apply for a Rhet Comp program, or Literature. Has anyone been through this predicament? How did you decide, and are you happy with your choice? I'm considering applying to both, and possibly even an MFA program, just because I'm very paranoid haha. I guess I'm at the fork in the road where I need to decide whether to pursue the track that will get me a job (obviously rhet comp) or what I love. Any input is appreciated!
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