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Posts posted by Papy

  1. dear kumar1244,

    Sorry about your Fulbright frustraction. Well, don't worry a lot, DAAD will make it good. From what I have heard, DAAD award about 60 research grants long term and applicants with invitation letter from a german faculty have 98% of chance to get the grant.( information from a former DAAD long term research grant holder) so, if this apply to you, you should be more calme than i am. i have everything, but a letter of invitation.

    this is going to be my longest week-end ever. Do not stress out yourself about Fulbright.


    Kopf hoch! es wird schon was.

  2. Hi everyone!

    Maybe some of you may have an idea about this: one of my friends who also studied in Germany has applied for the same program as I did and he is so worrying about not getting it. So, I told him that i will ask here if someone knows better. He has a Diplom from a german university (with GUT), 4 years full time experience and 3 publications. He also has a letter of invitation from a german Professor to do research ( something i do not have).I told him to remain calm and that he has very good chance to get the Grant.  So, what do you guys think?

  3. 2 more weeks waiting? na Ja!,was kann man da schon machen? I hope Bonn will give the Stamps of approval before the week- end ,so that the winner will ''besaufen sie sich" over the week-end. It seems to me as more and more people are applying to the study and research grant of the DAAD and our chances are getting fewer.

    Ich wuensche alle Bewerber viel Glueck mitgerechnet mir auch!


    Bleiben wir alle tapfer!!

  4. Hi Decaf,

    I am in the same situation as you are. I have also apply for a Research Grant and I am totally under stress with the wait, since I cannot start anything else before knowing if i will be going to Germany or not. But i do not have a lot of Hope because of certain factors that might have a negative impact on my application. e.g, I spent over 10 years in Germany before coming back to the US. I graduated there( Diplom at the university) Despite the fact that Kim from DAAD in New York told me that I was eligible for the Grant, I still believe that the might be giving preference to those who are about to discover the german culture for the first time. I see you have apply for a grant in Philosophy. in my opinion, you should not worry because there are not many people in that field,so your chances are quiet good.

    Remember: " Du kannst nur machen ,was du machen kannst,und die Ergebnisse kommen ,wie sie kommen muessen"

               Keine Sorge, es wuerde schon was werden

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