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Posts posted by Digger

  1. Hi everyone !


    I have to fulfill the prerequisite of microeconomics prior to entering my graduate program in Fall 2013 at Colorado School of Mines, therefore I have about 3 months to finish the course. Could you please provide me the links to some recommended online courses in microeconomics?


    Thanks in advance for your information.

  2. I may not be the person who's capable in giving you an advice, since I haven't been accepted anywhere yet. But I have read lots of threads in this forum and normally people would advice you to contact University A and ask to extend the deadline of your reply to the offer.

  3. Yeaah, if only I have known about these things before I asked for LoRs. Asking for LoRs is actually something new in my country, because we usually do not have to ask for recommendations here. So, I really did not know that what I've done was not a good thing.


    I have contacted the department (Graduate Program Coordinator and Lead Office Assistant), but I have not received any replies from them until now. Would they just follow what I have said in my email to regard only 3 letters, and not replying to me. Or what if they haven't read my email? Or what if they are just pissed off and ignored my application?


    Hahaha sorry I'm freaking out here

  4. Okay, now I am really freaking out.


    I have one professor who said to me that it would be better if I submit more LoRs than being asked by the department. I did not know what was his consideration of saying that. So, instead of sending 3, I sent 8 LoRs. At first, I thought that it would be beneficial since I have shown more efforts in asking for LoRs. Then, after browsing on the internet, I found out that it would not always be beneficial.


    What will happen with my application? What is the best case and the worst case?


    I am really worried now. (Please say something that makes me calm haha). Kidding, just be honest.


    Thank you in advance.

  5. He actually does not have any connection with the grad school. Okay then, thank you very much for your replies ! My topic here has a relation to my other topic. I did not know what got into me, I sent all of them without selecting... Stupid me. Therefore, I opened this topic in order to contact the department, which LoRs should they disregard.

  6. Hello Everyone !


    I am from outside U.S. and I do not really know how the admission process proceeds. All of these grad school things are really new for me, so I need a help here to explain me about the admission process. If each grad school has its own process, please explain me about the process conducted at Texas A&M University since it is my only preference. To narrow the topic down, I have several questions as follows :


    1) Quick Application Submission = Quick Decision ?


    Let's say that I submitted my application far far from the deadline, does it mean that I would hear about my decision quicker too? Or does the grad school wait until the deadline and review all of them at once?


    2) Not Hearing Anything Until April 15 = Waitlisted ?


    Well, actually I've just heard about this "waitlist" last night. Can you please explain me more about the waitlist? What is it actually? How can I know that I am waitlisted? Does the school contact me and say that I am waitlisted?


    3) M.Eng Chances = M.S. Chances ?


    Regardless of the funding, does applying for a M.Eng Degree would give higher chance to be accepted? Or in contrary, lower chance to be accepted?


    I have submitted my applications anyway, but who knows that I need the information if I am willing to pursue a Ph.D in the future. Also, I can share the information from you to my juniors in my country, because honestly the system is new to the people of my country.


    Thank you very much in advance !

  7. I need an advice to select LoRs. Assume there are 2 professors. One of them is very reputable in my field, but his LoR was "standard". Still a good one, but not very good. Then I have another lecturer, not a professor yet, in US his title is equal with an associate professor. He wrote a really wonderful letter of recommendation about me.


    If you were me, which one sould I choose? Thanks in advance.

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