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Posts posted by Tomberry66

  1. Finally got a decision from Tyler's sculpture program. Rejected unfortunately but it's great to finally know.


    Already started working on making improvements for the next go around, now I'll just do it with a greater sense of determination.


    Good luck to everybody still waiting, making decisions, or getting ready for another go!

    PS What's everybody's opinions on PAFA, UPenn, and UArts sculpture programs? Those are schools I'm considering applying to for next year.

  2. August?? That's almost insulting.  'Hey pack your bags, you're starting school in a week and have fun finding an appartment'??  It doesn't help that school to get very qualified students either.  Who can say yes to such an offer except someone that has been refused everywhere else and has no other options (Or someone who has applied only to one place)


    edit: However I don't mean that someone who gets refusals is necessarily unqualified, the selection process can be very subjective and unfair to extremely talented artists.


    I'd be very excited to get in if even as some kind of back-up. The process of applying to grad school is very humbling, something useful for artist who are more often than not egotists or narcissists of some type, myself included. I won't pass up on some humble pie.


    But to your point, it is really annoying that they would have the audacity to tell you two weeks out. For myself in particular, I only applied to one graduate school because I was on the fence about whether I wanted to go or work for another year, so I only applied to my first choice. If I had got in, I would go, if not, I'd just work for another year and apply to other schools next year.


    I just hate to wait. I don't mind eating the humble pie, just not months old humble pie please.

  3. Well, six weeks or so (if I recall correctly) passed after the interview with no word. I think at that point I called and they told me that they didn't have a decision. The administrator I spoke with said she would look into it or something like that. I don't exactly remember the sequence of events after that point. Some more time passed and I think I either called back or received a letter. Pretty sure I called, actually. I was wait listed. I honestly think they just don't make decisions over there until the last minute. I heard back from them about my wait list status at the end of August. 


    To quote Borat, "Wahwahweewah!"


    But seriously that sucks. I've applied for the sculpture program, which is pretty tiny, so I imagine it might be a little less hectic figuring out whose coming or not. However, I do know that sometimes people decide to not go last minute and then they need to hurry up and get another candidate. In any case it's a bummer. If I haven't heard anything after another week or so, I'll call again. What program did you apply for and did you end up going? (I assume not if you're on the freak-out forum, unless you're just that nice :D )

  4. I can't believe I've received absolutely no update up to now. Absolutely nothing. Tyler's TU portal site says the application is "Complete and ready for review" as it has for months. This is really frustrating. I called a week ago and they said that decisions would be coming down in the next few weeks but seriously, what the hell.

  5. Hi guys,


    I applied to the CCA graduate program in textiles and haven't heard back yet. Could my application still be in review or does this mean a rejection? 





    Hey Romashka, I totally sympathize with your feeling here. I think generally, if you haven't heard anything, it means there is reason to hope. Keep in mind that admissions is a tricky business on the college's side too because they might accept a number of people, let's say 10, and out of those 10 only 6 decide to attend. They might want to fill those other 4 spaces, so they would reach out to candidates that hadn't initially been admitted. I am holding out hope until I hold my rejection letters in hand! And furthermore, even when I do get those rejections, there is yet hope when I try again!

  6. Applied at Tyler for sculpture and so far no word, but on the portal site it lists my application as "Complete Ready for Review"


    Has anybody else heard from Tyler for sculpture? Also, I had no interview, but I don't know that Tyler interviews everyone necessarily. What's the deal with that? No interview = boned?

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