Hello all,
Apropos of the discussions about the present and future of humanities graduate education that have been prominent in the US lately, I’ve designed a study that aims to collect data about PhD students’ motivations for and expectations of graduate study, career goals, etc. As a once and future humanities grad student myself, these questions are very important to me. I’m collecting these data through two open online surveys, both of which I’m launching today. The first survey is for current humanities PhD students, and the second is for faculty in humanities departments with PhD programs. You can find out more about the study and access the surveys at http://humanitiesphd.org. Please note that you have to be a currently enrolled PhD student in the humanities to participate in the survey.
I’ve undertaken this study in hopes of contributing meaningfully to discussions about the future of graduate study, and obviously my results and findings will be more valuable with more responses. I hope that you’ll take a survey. But if you’re persuaded of the value of the study, I’d also ask you to consider helping to promote participation. You can do so by sharing the link http://humanitiesphd.org via your media of choice.
Thank you! If have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.
Gregory Brennen
Higher Education Administration and Policy Program
School of Education and Social Policy
Northwestern University
Twitter: @GregBrennen