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Posts posted by fillyblynn

  1. Members,

    I'm an American working towards a studio MFA degree in the United Kingdom. I'm planning on heading back to the States when my degree is complete.

    I love the idea of going from an intensive art practice program, to an intesive art theory and history program. I'm ready for the challenge and committment to research and writing. I would like to apply to an American institution that has a PHD program in art history.

    What are my chances? What tips do you have for applying? What about Ivy Leagues? Could I get into those? I'm doing a dissertation for the MFA. I plan on doing a streight academic art history paper to bolster my credibility. Does anyone have tips on subject matter for my MFA dissertation that will help my chances for the PHD?

    Apologies for the plethora of questions. Any help will by appreciated.


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