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    Asian Studies

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  1. When are you going? I'm also headed to Istanbul and Ankara for two weeks--leave on Wednesday.
  2. If you legitimately don't smoke, never smoke, and never ever accept a cigarette then you're fine and people will respect that (though you'll want other nice stuff to exchange with bosses and higher-ups like tea, sweets). But with smoking it's pretty much all or nothing. Only having one or two after a meal or while drinking is not an acceptable excuse.
  3. I agree with others: there's no reason for them to have access to your records. And if they ask, I don't see how they could require you to disclose that information. I have a question of my own: Does anyone know how alternate status works regarding a CLEA? So I'm an alternate, and my grant proposal included a (much needed) CLEA that would begin in July. Any idea if being bumped up would or would not include the language program as well?
  4. There's reason to be hopeful. My letter began, "We are keenly aware of the pressure on candidates to make their plans for the coming year. Therefore, we want you to know the status of your candidacy for a Fulbright award for 2013-2014 to China." So maybe there's been some inter-iie pressure to get the ball rolling.
  5. Thanks for the kind words. If I might share some of my own, remember that an NS for China is determined by Chinese bureaucrats, not even professors, so I wouldn't fret too much about what it says about your project. It could have been turned down for any number of reasons, from political ones to simply that another grantee or applicant had a similar idea or for something even more nonsensical. And if I can judge from any of my experiences with paper-pushers on any continent, there's not always a lot of logic going on there. Finding a professor willing to support your proposal alone reflects much more highly on you than any bureaucratic decision. In my case, my proposal was one that actually reflects rather well on the Party and I'm sure that had much more to do with my alternate status than its academic merit. Of course, none of this means that getting NS or alternate doesn't suck--it surely does--but it says a lot more about the people making the decision than it does you.. In other news, it's goddamned freezing in Texas in May and crystaldee was waitlisted... What the hell is going wrong with the world?
  6. Mannnnnnnn. Alternate for China. Guess it's time I cut my hair and get a job anyway... Anyone know how the alternate process works? China has a massive cohort so some alternates have to get bumped. Any idea how many there are? Also, they said they get additional funding in "late spring." (I checked, apparently spring lasts until June 20). Any idea what that's all about?
  7. Congrats to the Turks! I'm taking a two week trip there on May 15. Hardly seems like enough time though. Definitely jealous of the awesome experiences I'm sure you'll have!
  8. My bike home from school all I can think about is 'o god, what if it's in my inbox RIGHT NOW?' Probably gonna get me in a car crash one day. And as for my contact in China, I haven't spoken to him in probably 2 months at this point, saying something like 'I hope to know soon.' He probably just assumes I didn't get it at this point.
  9. Uuuuuuuuugh. Turd indeed. I feel for you. Desperately trying to look on the bright side, at least you have no need to spend your May Day anywhere near a computer...
  10. Damn, hope that doesn't end up being the case. Some China applicants need to be in country by July 1.
  11. No s***? Seems we have somewhat intertwined research interests. I proposed to study the history of rural cooperative medicine, especially as it pertains to women's social advancement and reproductive health. Hope you get it so I can read what you find out.
  12. Welcome aboard! Think your professor is pretty much dead wrong here. The Fulbright scholars (as opposed to the fellowship) program is designed pretty much precisely for people finishing undergrad, as far as I understand. MA students like myself are more the exception than the rule. In any case, glad to have another join the wait!
  13. I was definitely feeling a little more "Muss es sein/Es muss sein!" today, but this is an excellent idea. Even had a little Texas baby storm today.
  14. It was the CET people (I applied to do a CLEA in the Harbin Fulbright summer term). They sent it because regardless of whether we're accepted or not, they apparently need to get the ball rolling on visa stuff. It was how they began it that seemed discouraging: "As many of you know, CET’s scheduled commitment deadline for the special summer Fulbright program is May 1. Many of you will not receive notification of your funding status by this date, so please just be aware that you need to notify CET as soon as you do receive your decision." CET could just be contingency planning in case we don't hear by then, but I'd guess they already contacted iie and got a "yea probably not before then" response. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  15. Bad news for China applicants still waiting: just got a CET email suggesting we likely won't hear before May 1. Not that that's so far away anymore, but I was still hoping to hear early this week.
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