Sounds good, Coloradifornian et al! This is truly consuming my life--it's disgustingly disturbing how much I think of this--last night, I had an acceptance dream--granted, a few weeks ago it was a declination dream! My mind is even playing with my academic emotions! We stalk our poor mail-person! He literally brings our mail to our door to tell us nothing's in--everyday!! Poor guy! He's as anxious as us to get some type of notice--i should buy him coffee after all this is said & done, he's been awesome!
What's difficult for me is, if accepted, I need to relocate...however, I can't make plans until I hear something...I live in Northern California, so as you can imagine, fall plans are definitely on hold!
Is this too stalker-ish but has anyone (who lives nearby USC) actually gone in to ask anyone what's going on? Maybe that's too extreme, but waiting this long is pretty extreme.