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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Poosher, I feel your stress...not knowing consumes your life, doesn't it? I'm sorry...but hopefully we'll all see each other come May 2... Coloradifornian, have you decided on UCLA or USC??? Great options to have...
  2. Hi Poosher...sending positive energy on over to you...
  3. Hopefully you hear something soon!
  4. Peers, I received notice yesterday of my acceptance!!!! They congratulated me personally via phone (and later received an email)... Notices are out, so keep on the look out; if not, call! It worked for me:) Please let me know if you've heard anything! I'm rooting for everyone:) and sending positive energy on over... Thanks for giving me an outlet to vent...it truly kept me sane!
  5. Sounds good, Coloradifornian et al! This is truly consuming my life--it's disgustingly disturbing how much I think of this--last night, I had an acceptance dream--granted, a few weeks ago it was a declination dream! My mind is even playing with my academic emotions! We stalk our poor mail-person! He literally brings our mail to our door to tell us nothing's in--everyday!! Poor guy! He's as anxious as us to get some type of notice--i should buy him coffee after all this is said & done, he's been awesome! What's difficult for me is, if accepted, I need to relocate...however, I can't make plans until I hear something...I live in Northern California, so as you can imagine, fall plans are definitely on hold! Is this too stalker-ish but has anyone (who lives nearby USC) actually gone in to ask anyone what's going on? Maybe that's too extreme, but waiting this long is pretty extreme.
  6. Good news (kinda): I finally spoke to the assistant director--luckily, he was VERY apologetic...I imagine something out of their powers is going on, but can't really say--he completely understood and said they're all very grateful with how patient applicants have been...granted, he never gave me a definite date as to when we'll receive notice--simply apologized, thanked me for my patience and said they're hoping to send out responses very soon--he even asked how I was doing (he remembered me from the info sessions--or maybe he was trying to butter me up so I wouldn't be so upset ). Anyways, he ended by saying that ONE faculty member is still reviewing my documents and hopes that person completes it very soon (after asking what process my application was currently in). I suppose I'll give them until May 1 (don't really have a choice) until I call again--any news for anyone else?
  7. Coloradifornian--I wish I would've looked into UCLA's program (or any other program for that matter)--I put ALL my eggs in one basket! I'm quite upset at myself for it; however, that's how sure I was of my acceptance. Bad tasting medicine--but lessoned learned. I starting the application process July '12. I went to MANY info sessions, even had rossier staff and current students review my application documents before I submitted them (I even contacted my former advisors and professors to review my docs as well). USC fit my available hours and schedules, plus it's the only higher ed ed.psych program that isn't for potential school counselors (or at least one that fit my availability). Anyways, I don't blame Rossier for this...I blame myself. I can't believe I only applied to one school!!! I'm so stupid! I was just confident it was going to work out...anyways, my fault. If Rossier doesn't work out this fall, I'll just look around to other schools... I'm still hoping Rossier works out though... Wishful thinking??? Perhaps...
  8. Coloradifornian--my thoughts exactly. How is a school that's ranked highly be so disorganized? I completely understand issues out of one's control (i.e. snail mail); however, USC is not a new school so I figured these issues would be cleared up by now. In all my schooling, I've never dealt with this "issue" before... It'd be nice to at least receive a few emails letting us know what process our application is in--I received two emails letting me know faculty had begun reviewing my docs: one in January and another one in February, I was confused and unsure which date was accurate... Having worked for a lawyer for 10 years, he use to make me call our clients every other week and let them know where their file was at...I guess it's old-school etiquette...even if we didn't have any news, this gave clients peace of mind knowing we hadn't forgotten them...I wish USC Rossier did that...I've been really stressed about this...I haven't even received an email letting me know my transcripts were in I haven't even received a response for my Friday email... Anyways, point being is I'm quite disappointed with their application process. I hope they straighten whatever issues they have, and as an apology for the stress we've endured these 4 months accept all of us! It's the least they can do... ¿¿¿¿¿This also makes me worry how thorough they are with our applications????
  9. Glad you heard something--I'm still waiting...last time I emailed anyone was in February, so I figured it was ok to email and follow up again--I sent an email on Friday hoping maybe next week I'll hear something...as much as I'd love to get in, I honestly have no clue what the verdict is...I suppose at this point any email would be nice...just crossing my fingers and hoping for a positive outcome (or any outcome at this point). Good luck to everyone!
  10. Still waiting:( I've been calling but no official word--applied in January, received all same emails mentioned by others...thought I'd hear something by now--but nothing. I've called a few times, even sent out a few emails, and just get generic responses: "faculty's still reviewing," so this is alll quite disheartening. At this point, just want to hear something--one way or another. All my fall plans are on hold. Am getting quite neurotic--checking email, junk folder and snail-mail RELIGIOUSLY thrice (if not more) a day. And finally found this blog! Thank you! I thought I was the only one going through this. Applied to the Ed. Psych. Program. Any news?????
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