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Posts posted by S.K.

  1. So, if I do my homework, participate in class, go to my professors for advice on papers and such, write a decent semester paper (not a great one, because, lets be real, I'm European and there is no way that I will write an A paper in the first semester, mainly because I have no idea how to write in a different format and style) but lets say that my paper is decent. Will that get me an A-? 

    just so that I can compare with what I'm used to here in Europe

  2. As I don't really know how grad school works in the U.S. I kinda found it strange when I read that everyone gets an A? is this true? If yes, why do they even exist? I mean, they could give out Fail/Pass grades.....

    I imagined myself going through immense pressure to maintain the 3.5 and failing. When I will get my grades on Christmas and see the less the 3.5 (example: 3.2) than I can't even continue. I would fall out of good standing, and I would be out of the program! Or is there something I don't see?

  3. Thank you for your kind words and advice!

    I have decided to bail, I am sure that I will fail. I am absolutely sure that I can not get A- in every class (yes my department requires of me an A- in every class for the first year). People have been telling me to try and that I can do it if I try hard enough but I can't. I know that, and I surely can't with the mentality I am having know. So I decided to not even start the program. 

    good luck to anyone who is starting a PhD, I admire you, I wish I was as strong as you are.

  4. Hello

    I am an international student and I have been accepted for a PhD in the US. I never left so far from home before, even as an undergrad I lived like a 30min car drive away from home. I've been with someone for 4 years and we have been always together, I was never away from him for long periods of time. 1 month was the most we haven't seen each other. He will come with me to the states and he will stay 2 weeks to help me settle in.

    My problem: I fly in less than a week and I'm having panic attacks, I cry all night, I can't concentrate and I'm really scared! I'm thinking of my family and my boyfriend who I will only see on Skype till christmas. The program I will start needs a 3.5 GPA in order to stay in good standing, this worries me as I have never been a top student. I mean, I'm an alright student, but I never went the extra mile, I always did what I had to do, you can call that lazy :P I would put me in the B range. I'm scared that I will fail and that they will kick me out after one semester. I even went as far as thinking that I don't really wanna do this.

    Did it happen to anyone? Am I just getting cold feet for being alone for the first time? Or should I really be concerned?

    I would appreciate any advice!

    Thank you

  5. Hello,


    I was trying to find out how much international students get taxed..

    I read about US taxes, for example if I have a 13.000$ stipend I would get taxed 10% for the 9.000$ and than 15% for the other 4.000$ + State Taxes. Is this overall correct?

    But, I'm an international student and I could not find any more information on how this works for us.


    If anyone can help me?



  6. Hello

    Sorry for seeing this now, I have a lot to do for application season, it's driving me insane.

    Anyway GermanGrad12 thank you for your advice, I would love for you to send me your write-ups regarding graduate admissions in the humanities.

    Are you already a PhD student in German? mind me asking where?


    As far as my plans go, I would love to go back to Europe but I don't want to limit myself to a certain continent/country, I always say "I go where the job is". If I find a job in Japan, I just go there :)


    I contacted Michigan, PennState, Indiana (they said that I fit in their program :) ), Colorado at Boulder and some others. I just ask them general questions about their program and admission to show them that I'm interested.

  7. oh thank you much!

    I have not really thought about it, this is my first time writing a SOP, so I just started writing and writing and I know that its not good :P

    I have revised it about 5 times by now, but the info you gave me should help me a lot.


    Actually I am interested in two things: 1. various teaching approaches and testing 2. interaction of learners with different backgrounds and from different countries and how beneficial this would be in developing learning skills.

  8. Hello

    I'm considering to apply for PhD's in the states.

    I completed a BA and MEd. In Europe. I am interested in applied linguistics and second language acquisition, not so much in literature.

    Is anyone gonna apply this year?

    Where are you going to apply?

    I have only 3 schools right now: Penn State, Michigan (state), and Texas (Austin).

    Does anyone has an idea how hard or easy it is to get into those schools????

    I welcome any suggestions, application tips and if anyone knows of other programs like the ones mentioned please tell me.


  9. That was really helpful, I should talk to them about it.

    But what is so wrong about doing a PhD somewhere else and not were you did your MA? I thought a lot of people do that... i was not aware of the fact that you should not change schools.

    I am thinking of changing schools after i finish the MA.

    But then I was thinking if it is a good idea in the first place, because if my school does not take it very well how will the new school take it? will they even consider my application?

  10. Hello

    I need some advice...

    I am a Graduate student in the Humanities with a GTA. I have an MA from Europe and just started my second MA in the US and latter PhD.

    I already told the University that accepted me that I want to do a PhD. But, now I want to go to a different school for various reasons.

    Should I transfer or wait to finish my MA and apply to other schools for a PhD?

    I heard that its not a good idea to transfer and that I should wait to finish the MA in my current school and then apply for a PhD to a different school.

    Also, if I transfer during my MA will I get a GTA?

    Can you give me some advice? please!!!

    What are your experiences?



  11. well school 2 did not answer me yet

    so, i will probably say 'yes' to school 1 and stick with them. Its a nice university and they are funding me.

    One thing i like more in school 1 is the location of it. It is a better school (rankings) but i have no infos about funding and i'm running out of time

  12. Hello,

    I am an international Student, currenty finishing a masters degree and i am interested in continuing for PhD.

    I don't know much about the Schools in the US (rankings, good/bad programs etc.) i could use some advise because the professors at my university have no clue :P


    I am going to apply for a PhD in German this year, to start Fall 2014! And i plan to apply to about 10 schools

    I am not an awesome student so i will not apply to Harvard, Stanfort, Princeton etc. but i want to apply to decent schools with good programs.

    The question i ask myself a lot is: ''Is ranking that importand?'' in my country it's not but i always read about ''top schools'' and ''rankings'' when it comes to the US.

    could you help me with a couple decent schools?

    thank you



  13. I did let School 2 know that i have another offer.

    I hope this will move things faster

    uuurrrgggg this is so annoying. I can't say 'no' to school 1 and than get rejected from school 2 and left with no PhD.....

    I don't think that School 1 can give me an extention i already know about that offer for a month now :S

  14. I have the following problem:

    I got accepted from school 1 and have until the 15th to accept.

    school 2 (better school) is interested in me but they did not make a final decision yet (they told me that they will know in 1-2 weeks)

    Now, I'm international with a Masters but it does not get recognized in the US and both universities tell me to start with a MA before my PhD.

    My problem is that I really wanna go to school 2 but I don't wanna risk it, I don't have an official answer and no word about funding either... School 1 is funding me btw but isn't it offensive to say 'yes' and than 'oh sorry got better offer bye'

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