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Everything posted by newyorker

  1. Well that's nice! 8 hours drive though... ehhh And yeah, I did receive an email in regards to Penn Key 5 days ago and since your last post is about 4 days ago, I think you may have it by now though. It's titled "Important information on setting up your Penn electronic credential (PennKey)". If not, you should email the office about it. Next for me is getting started on the I-20 application and sending whatever is needed in. Hey, since we are both decided on going, want to exchange emails or something so we can keep in touch and maybe could make things easier, instead of coming on here all the time? By the way I'm Don. We never introduced ourselves properly... except for our nicknames I messaged you my email.
  2. Yeah Ive been getting emails too but for me only related to I20 and such. They already have my trasncript and proof of my graduation. Lol I dont have access to computer since Im in Vegas now but Ill take care them when I get back yo NY. Thanks for letting me know. When are you planning on moving to pennsylvania?
  3. Yorkies I submitted my deposit as of today. I guess Ill be seeing you in Fall!! Have you gotten more information from school after you paud down the deposit? Does that take long?
  4. Will definitely let you know over the weekend or something by posting it here! You bet I'd like to be less foreign by at least having a friend before entering. And as far as opportunities go, I'm sure we will be open to more of them like you said:) We shall be fine!
  5. Actually, I got an email from them today but not such a good news.... so I guess I'm heading towards UPenn. Now I have to give up on research here in New York... I was going to take a coordinator position but I guess bye bye to that and upcoming publications... darn:( I'll think about it over the weekend and probably will submit deposit early next week. So if I do go I suppose we will be in same class!! About the question on what degree we will be conferred... not that it matters but I was just curious since I realized it differs from common degrees awarded for graduate programs. And you bet we will definitely be better suited for molecular biology track. haha engineering biotech? boo that LOL I would die trying to do heavily-focused engineering/math.
  6. I agree with Columbia not favoring towards internationals... these posts are misery after misery lol but whatever, we are better than Columbia guys! It seems like I'm gearing towards UPenn as well. Yorkies - Are you fully decided on UPenn now then? It seems my options are running out and time wise. One random question: I never paid attention to it but what degree will we be conferred? Its not MA, MS... some section of the site suggest for MSE but others just say "Master of Biotech" = MB? Do you know? LOL Vcherneky - I actually took a brief look into JHU's program while I was searching for programs. It's more of science focused then engineering side, which is the reason I favored Columbia over UPenn. I missed out on trying out for JHU though... Anyways, I'm sure you cant go wrong with their program either and it is one the the most prestigious institution in research sciences. Plus, if you take part-time aspect of learning instead of on-campus, you can continue on with your job as well meantime:)
  7. congratulations nicktim! and wishing the best for everyone else as well! ahhhh i'm waiting too but that would also place me in the same shoes as yorkies LOL confusion between upenn and columbia... @yorkies: considering you will be accepted to columbia (which you sure will), which school will you choose? what would be the greatest factor? it seems like columbia offers more variety of science courses (i'm leaning towards it because of this... actually) where upenn focuses much more on engineering and business aspect of the field... and i dont know if i want to leave ny either... but on the other i kinda want to... lolz @nicktim: why did you choose biotech at columbia? i just want to know other's opinions thanks
  8. If you have some time left until you have to reply JHU of your decision, I would suggest wait and see. Or if the date is nearing, submit the deposit at least first. I'm planning on submitting deposit to one school in mid May to secure my seat while waiting for Columbia. I'll make my final decision based on Columbias outcome.
  9. Thanks! and congratulations on your acceptance to UPenn! I actually dropped some schools and probably will decide between UPenn and Columbia. I was leaning towards UPenn heavily until a few days ago when I was looking through courses offered by both schools. While I would love to have that experience with Wharton and that opportunity for MBA is surely tempting with the preparation for the industry, I see myself as a science person so I have been thinking that the variety of science courses offered by Columbia may be suitable for me as well. I'm going to wait out for Columbia but it's kind of frustrating when I want to plan ahead and get things like housing down (I have to either sublet or transfer lease for current place too) and stuff before I go abroad for the summer. I'm not sure if the wait will be worth it.... AHHHHHH LOL. Thanks and hope you make a good decision as well! Let me know if you finalize your decision, we may both end up at UPenn!
  10. Congrats on JHU. Its frustrating when other school deadlines for responses are coming up short. I actually had to decline to two schools yesterday... My mind is either UPenn (need to respond in two weeks) or Columbia but at this point, I'm kind of getting sick of waiting for Columbia's sluggish response. I really don't know what I should do.
  11. I'm in a similar case as yours. It is an option to submit your deposit to secure your seat at University X and then wait for other schools if you are not definite choice of yours. Deposit will cost you but I think it is worth the money than to regret later after being accepted from your other schools. And after your decisions have come out, officially notify the school that you are not going to attend and explain to them in some way so that they may bring wait-listed person in to acceptance.
  12. Nope. They keep saying this: "No decision has been recorded at this time. Most M.A. decisions are made later in the spring and are entirely at the discretion of the faculty committee on admissions. Accordingly, it is not possible to predict or guarantee a date by which a decision will be made regarding your application". This is just frustrating when I've been declining acceptances from other schools and some are coming up short too. So vague when they say later in the spring. April or May or June...?
  13. Follow the funding.
  14. Hey all, I have been receiving application decisions for master's programs and the results have been good so far. It's just that some schools are driving me crazy with late decisions while others are rushing me to reply back. Well, I have mainly applied to graduate programs in biotechnology field but as someone in pursuit of field in medicine, I have applied to some others as well. I have been thinking and comparing options but your opinions would be helpful. Here are my options: 1. University of Pennsylvania, MS in Biotechnology. 2. Columbia University, MA in Biotechnology. (they have not yet made decision... says decision will be made later in the spring?) 3. Georgetown University, MS in Biotechnology. 4. University of Chicago, MS in Physical Sciences with scholarship. 5. University of Southern California, MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 6. Case Western University, Masters in Medical Physiology My top choices seem to be UPenn or Columbia. It's just that Columbia is so late in giving me decisions and I'm in the position of either dropping some schools or am thinking about just paying deposit first to at least UPenn. P.S. If you have any specific preference for biotechnology in any of the schools, please share your thoughts. Thanks
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