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Posts posted by itsmelsucka

  1. Depends on a lot of factors: How much more expensive is the top ranked school than the lower ranked one? How low ranked is the low ranked one? I wouldn't consider rank 25-40 low ranked. I would consider 1-25 top ranked. I wouldn't differentiate much between 15 and 25. If its rank 1 vs rank 40, I'd probably go for rank 1, provided its not $20K more expensive than the lower ranked place. Also, it depends on how important the rank of the school you got your degree from is in your field. If its a PhD that you're going to do, the ranking will probably be less important than the actual research you'll be doing. So research fit and professors' interests would be of greater concern than the ranking of the school.

    The monetary difference would be pretty great. BU is about $30,000 and UNLV would probably be under $10,000. Both of these quotes are for the entire program. I am a Nevada resident so I get the benefit of in-state tuition. Also you mentioned ranking, can you refer me to a website where I can find rankings? I am still new at this! I am just trying to gain as much knowledge about each program before I make any decisions. I have not been accepted to either of these programs but I wanted to weigh the pros and cons and get some advice from you all out there!

  2. I agree with many of you it is becoming some what of a norm. Unfortunately many people still hold on to tradition and can/will judge you on your choice of body modification. I have multiple tattoos myself and have encountered a few problems professionally. Luckily a few professors (undergrad) have had visible tattoos and I feel comfortable applying to grad school knowing many professors have tattoos. Kind of a boost of confidence and hope that the world may be changing! Like many of you have said it depends on the program and the kind of school you are applying to. More people should learn to judge more important things, but we all know that this is not always the case.

  3. I will be applying to Grad school in the fall, I know I want to go, but where is the question. I currently live in Las Vegas and attend UNLV. They have a Grad program but I am not sure if I want to stay here for Grad school. A little bit of Vegas goes a long way. I need advice! Should I stay here for Grad school, or look elsewhere? If I go away, where to? I know UNLV does not have the best track record but they have made huge improvements in the past few years. On the other hand Grad school will be a new chapter in my life, should I make this my opportunity to move as well? See my dilemma?

    Any advice is welcome and appreciated!

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