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  1. Received an interview invite from UC Davis Immunology today and was rejected by UWashington immunology. Does anyone know if Penn immunology is done with invites?
  2. Received an invite from Minnesota! It's a great day!
  3. @peachypie, yeah I know it's not ideal, but his class was research oriented so he can speak to my personal thought process and potential for scholarly work. Since my first PI is off the table due to health problems, I thought I would take a more personal approach rather than a biochem class I did well in. My current PI can speak to my work ethic and technical abilities, and my microbio professor can speak to my classroom performance and engagement with science. I'm taking off most upper tier schools and adding some lower tiers. As for the SOP, schools ask for different things. Some purely research and some a mix or with an optional adversity essay. I thought I might cover all my bases and have my LOR writers at least aware of it.
  4. Yeah, my PI is also mentioning how a combination of him being new/me having a family death meant I had no research my sophomore year. He didn't start at my institution until the beginning of my third year, and while he absolutely supports me and wants me to shoot for the top, has said that given more timely circumstances I could have had a real competitive application. He thinks I have made some real contributions and am fully ready for graduate school, technically and intellectually. After making that post last night I asked him if he thinks he has encountered enough students to properly evaluate me. He did his postdoc at a top school and said I would fit somewhere like that. I don't need to hit the top, personally, but don't want to sell myself short either. My GRE score was a nice surprise, so I added some more dream schools.
  5. Undergrad Institution: Big State, Top 30 Major(s): Biochemistry Minor(s): GPA in Major: 3.5 Overall GPA: 3.6 Position in Class: Eh Type of Student: White female GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 163 V: 164 W: 5.5 B: Research Experience: 1 year ecology research, 1.5 yrs in immunology, all at home institution, no publications or anything spectacular except undergrad symposium and honors thesis Awards/Honors/Recognitions: haha nope Pertinent Activities or Jobs: random stuff Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Probably not Special Bonus Points: No Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Death in the immediate family in the middle of college, figured I would let my recommendations address this. One LOR from research mentor, one from a religion professor and another from a microbio professor, all are glowing but I'm worried because only my research mentor has done research with me so...perhaps that is a negative. Applying to Where: All immunology programs Emory WashU UC Davis U Minnesota UVA UNC Johns Hopkins Yale U Chicago Tufts U Wisconsin Madison I think I may have realistic chances at Emory, Tufts, Minnesota, and UVA. The others I have no idea and figured why not. I think I would be happy at any of these schools, have specific enough interests to help schools make sense of me but flexible enough to work into new areas. My professors say I have a creative edge and a talent for expressing scientific ideas in writing and presentation. They have also noted my exceptional curiosity, resilience, and potential. Wish I had more research experience in my intended area of study, but family death etc. Also, I will not have a recommendation from my ecology research because my professor has some health problems and retired (he was pretty old when I did research with him and I was just a freshman) so I'm worried that will look funny. And my PI is a new professor and so maybe doesn't have a good frame of reference to evaluate me, and our new lab hasn't had time to publish and slap undergrad names on there. This forum is a great resource, any thoughts on my app?
  6. Hi everyone, I am currently a sophomore in undergrad, and I am majoring in Statistics and Biochemistry. My interest in biostatistics stems from my experience in my science classes, and I was under the impression that biostatistics admissions might look favorably on a science/stats major combo. After a little research and observing applicants on this forum, it might be in my best interest to stack math classes more in order to gain a competitive edge instead of sticking to the sciences. I love my science degree, and it is allowing me to work in a statistical genetics lab because lab work is required for the degree. I could complete my lab work, which will conclude a biochemistry minor, and then pick up a math minor instead. This would allow me to take real analysis and diff eq's as well as some extra stats electives like stochastics and probability. My initial game plan was to fulfill the linear algebra and calc III requirements and leave it at the minimum to make room for biochemistry. Will graduating with a stat major + math minor + biochem minor make me more competitive than a Stat/Biochem major? Thanks!
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