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Everything posted by FrauleinZaftig

  1. The donkey cart arrived with bad news. Second time applying, second time shortlisted, second time without an award. Here are my stats at time of application. 1 peer-reviewed publication 2 invited/in-progress articles 1 conference 2 grad conferences 3.95 GPA (my undergrad was very bad, but my MA was much better) Multiple TAships I am fairly positive my reference letters were excellent. I did not read these but I did read others that they wrote for different things. I do not know my rank in the department or university. Conference organizer Editor-in-Chief of the department's peer-reviewed journal My score this year is 14.5/30. Last year it was 15.something/30. This year's application was refined and clear and I had multiple readers and editors. Funny it scored less. My project is not an area that anyone knows about. I am the only one doing it in North American, and there are only a few scholars in the world that even know my area. Although the SSHRC people don't know it, I am actually one of the experts in this extremely small, obscure, specialty. Anyway, I will try again. Since the original application I was offered a teaching position next year, invited to write another article for a peer-reviewed journal (a special edition on my area of expertise), and am presenting at two major peer-reviewed conferences in my field. So, at least, it wouldn't be lack of experience. Totally bummed. I do have internal funding for another 2 years. Not much, but it'll do. Good luck everyone!
  2. Not everyone in Montreal has received their letters. Hopefully it will come today! The donkey cart hasn't passed in my street yet.
  3. I'm also at Concordia and have not received an email. Maybe she is only emailing the winners? Last year, SSHRC winners in my dpt (religion) did NOT get emails from Dolly or anyone at her office. Everyone heard through mail and only mail.
  4. My department at Concordia (Montreal) also holds all results until the students have received their letters. Not sure if every department maintains the same rule, or each decide on their own. Either way, calling the SGS liaison would not help. No letter today, so hopefully tomorrow.
  5. Too bad! Because I see it too. Monday it is, then.
  6. Thanks. I had decided I wasn't going to fret about the results so I had not checked my own portfolio on the SSHRC website in all this time. And when I say "not fret" I mean "obsessively check this forum and the SSHRC Twitter feed since mid-April." As for admin-only access re. results, my department is remaining silent for all our shortlisters (we have eight).
  7. Did you receive a letter? (If you've already stated how you know, I apologise, I must have missed it.)
  8. Long time lurker here, second time applying, shortlisted both times, in Montreal. Anyone else try logging in to their own account on the SSHRC website? Mine is completely empty. Also, my school does not list the "nominated" status (and never has), so apart from hearing in the letter, there's little else to do but wait.
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