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Status Updates posted by VNSBKS

  1. Hey madbiochemist,

    Would you mind to tell your stats: under grad GPA, GRE scores, research experience, publications, and LORs when you applied last year. Thanks..


    1. madbiochemist


      Sure. When I was applying, these were my stats:

      I went to a large public state school in the US. I have my B.S. in Biochemistry, not in engineering. 

      GPA: 3.97/4.0

      GRE: I don't really remember but I think it was Q:159, V: 167, and A: 5.0 or 5.5

      Research: undergrad research since August of freshman year, 1 REU, 1 international research internship, 1 poster at national conference, several local posters/presentations, several research/academic scholarships

      Pubs: 1 in print and 2 in review

      LORs: 1 from undergrad PI, 1 from REU (PI is well known in BME), and 1 from professor/mentor/advisor I was a TA'd for over 3 years

      I applied to BME or BE PhD programs at UCSD, WashU (in St. Louis), JHU, Havard, MIT, Harvard/MIT HST (or MEMP, I forget which one), UT Austin, and Northwestern. I was rejected from 6/8 (with a few master's offers, which I consider rejection) with acceptances to JHU and UT. 

      Some things that really hurt me: math GRE really sucked and I'm a biochemistry major who took engineering classes and did engineering research, but doesn't have an engineering degree. 

    2. VNSBKS


      Hey madbiochemist,

      Many thanks for your stats. Wow, you already had a lot of achievements when you applied. Great to see !

      Thanks again.. 

    3. madbiochemist


      Thanks and good luck! :)

  2. Hey disasterprone,

    Thanks for offer.  I was wondering what would be the focus of Stanford PhD admission committee with regard to student's stat.  Do they focus more in GPA or  undergraduate research experience/publication ?   I am a junior in Chem Eng with a  GPA of 3.75 in a US News ranked top 5 Chem Eng program, and currently have two years of research experience - one year in lab and one year in University's research plant (field).  By the time I will apply it will be nearly three years of research experience.  I have published a first authored journal paper and also a single authored publication in a different university's news letter.  I am working toward publishing one more journal paper and honors research thesis.  Wondering how competitive would be my application for PhD in Stanford.

    {By the way, three years ago, Stanford put me in waiting list for undergraduate program.  I want to come for a PhD this time :)}

    Thanks in advance for your reply !

    1. disasterprone


      Hi VNSBKS, 

      Admissions committees will look at all aspects of a prospective student's application. Everything is important to a degree. Most schools look for a GPA above 3.5, quantitative GRE scores in the top 75th percentile or higher, and good research experience that is supported by recommendation letters. Publications are many people's worry but the truth is that publications are a very poor way of evaluating a student as labs value student contributions to manuscripts differently and award authorship differently. Assuming you keep or raise your GPA, score well on the GRE, continue conducting research, and secure several strong letters of recommendation, I'd say you would be well prepared to apply to Stanford and other top programs (like UC Berkeley/UCSF, UCSD, MIT, and UW)



  3. Hey Argon,

    Would you mind to share your stat: GPA, GRE, research and publications. I am a junior w/ 3.75GPA, 2 years research plus a first authored journal paper, assessing my future application.  Thanks

  4. Hi aegis921,

    would you mind to share your stat: GPA, GRE, research and publications. I am a junior w/ 3.75GPA and 2 years research plus a first authored journal paper, assessing my future application.  Thanks for your help.

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