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  1. Has anyone received clarification regarding the 5/30/14 deadline to let Andre Porter know about an intention to defer? I wrote to ask if that meant the deadline had passed, and he replied 'no,' but didn't indicate what the deadline is. Am I missing something?
  2. Hi there, Do folks know if the direct deposit form needs to be in by today? And if so, where to upload and/or send it? I asked Brandon, but he didn't have any detailed information. Thanks much!
  3. Spending bill is now pending approval (by Saturday). I think this contains the answer to our question...I just have NO idea how to interpret the legal/bureaucrat-ese. EPA funding info starts on page 775. If anyone can interpret, please let us know!! http://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20140113/CPRT-113-HPRT-RU00-h3547-hamdt2samdt_xml.pdf
  4. Senate has passed the budget and sent it along to Obama. It will presumably be finalized before year's end. EPA folks have indicated that we should have information 'shortly' after they have a budget in hand, so hopefully we can expect to hear in the New Year.
  5. Well go figure! How strange. Where/when did you see this, Lumidee?
  6. I doubt EPA even knows if they've finished handing out rejections. It's some conjecture, but my understanding from my last conversation with Brandon Jones is that the whole program is contingent upon the passage and contents of the upcoming budget at the end of this month. Congress may appropriate no money at all, less money than expected (in which case I assume more rejections would go out), or more money than any of us could ever dream of (but I'm not betting on that last one ; ). Again, I'm not certain about this, but that is what I took from my last communiction with EPA.
  7. The budget has to be passed by the 30th of this month in order to avoid a government shutdown. If history serves, they will bicker up until the last possible moment, and pass something at the eleventh hour. I wonder if they'll have any further number crunching to do once they have a budget in hand, or if this is a line item and we'll immediately know the outcome? I'm guessing the former...
  8. Please keep us posted, Lumidee, if you don't mind. I'm about to find myself in the same pickle.
  9. I hate to be the group pessimist, but my understanding is that these fellowships do hinge on approval of a budget, and some experts are anticipating that once again, that is unlikely to happen until (at least) the 11th hour at the end of the fiscal year--September 30th. Isn't particularly encouraging that cuts to scienctific research are mentioned in the second sentence of this article: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/06/sequestration-budget-cuts-economy-93252.html
  10. Odd. No one else has received anything? I can't decide whether or not to further increase my anxiety level again .
  11. Well, I received more of the same news from Brandon Jones. The waiting (and wondering how long we'll be waiting) game continues. But at least he got back to me: "Thanks for your patience. Yes, the Sequester has put quite a damper on things, including award announcements. No award decisions have been made and right now we do not have a timeline for those decisions. Sorry I cannot provide much more information than that. M. Brandon Jones, PhD"
  12. Thank you very much for posting the update dubstep. I've tried contacting all three program officers without response, so the information is much appreciated.
  13. I am an F1 and have likewise heard nothing. I have attempted to contact Brandon Jones via email a couple of times now, but to no avail. I suspect they're waylayed by sequestration, but it sure would be nice if they would let us know.
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