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Posts posted by ej124

  1. congrats!!!



    There is a general ETA one for everybody, and the one you posted is a Brazil only group. I think the moderator for the Brazil one actually works for Fulbright... still waiting for approval into that one. This is the general one for all ETA's regardless of region: https://www.facebook.com/groups/123328967859396/142990595893233/?comment_id=150872588438367&notif_t=group_comment_reply

    Thanks Snuffleupagus! And thanks zhaskin, I will join the group  :)

  2. Congrats!!! Told you that there was a good chance you'd get bumped! :)

    You were right! I shouldn't have been so forlorn & blamed my old age ;)  Brazil doesn't mind 30-year-olds!! (Argentinw does, though just FYI to all :) ). To whoever is out there reading this as an alternate, I know you have heard this before and it won't make you feel all better, but I was bumped up not too long after becoming an alternate. I thought my chance was over. It does happen & although waiting is the WORST (trust me, I know, I started my app nearly a year ago!), don'r rule it out because you never know.


    By the way zhaskin, what is the Facebook group? I saw this one for Brazil 2014? https://www.facebook.com/groups/532249876836432/?fref=ts Or is it another one? Do you have to write the moderator to get added? Thanks!! 

  3. That's awesome! What a strange journey you've had!! Were you promoted? Or was the alternate thing a mistake from the beginning? So weird...

    I was promoted! Thanks! It has been a long, surprising road and I feel very grateful to have finally reached a destination.(well, not quite, but you know what I mean!)! 

  4. Woohoo!! That's great! So happy for you!!



    Let usknow if you get it...fingers crossed...



    Have your fpa forward that to you asap! Hopefully she's right and you're golden!

    Hey guys... would you believe it... I'M IN!!!!! Wow, what a journey!!! I am so thankful to each of you on this board to share frustrations, anxieties, and successes with. You have all been so sweet and supportive and I'm so glad I joined this community. So happy for everyone abt their upcoming adventures!!! and to you Brazil ETAers I can't wait to meet all of you!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  

  5. Have your fpa forward that to you asap! Hopefully she's right and you're golden!

    Z, I hope so too!!! I emailed her IMMEDIATELY back and asked her to send me a copy, explaining that I have been having difficulty receiving Fulbright emails for some reason. She never responded!! {banging head on the wall}. As I've mentioned before, she is a bit... along in years... a retired prof, and I was just thinking, oh no, what if she just made a mistake and misread something! Seriously, do I not have the craziest Fulbright luck ever, with all these disappeared emails, delayed responses, and cliffhanger evenings???? Another call to Jody tomorrow... Will let ya'll know. Let's hope this isn't one of those little errors... At this point I feel like anything could happen! We'll see  :)

  6. Hahaha! It happens no worries! I followed you also! :) Thanks for the info. I will check it out. Fulbright was new to me last year, so I am not giving up all hope. I hope you get bumped to selected! Thanks again! Which reminds me, I haven't tweeted in a while. ;)

    Ok guys, new development...........drum roll............so I got an email out of the blue today from my FPA: It said, "My reading of Jodi's last email is that you have been awarded a Fulbright. Congrats!" I never got any email from Jodi other than the last one designating me an alternate. Oh, universe, why must you toy with me!

  7. Yeah, I think the Fulbright program is all geared toward younger applicants. I don't think non-traditional students should give up applying though. I have thought about re-applying just to kind of jab at the system a bit. But, I probably won't. I think alternates should reapply, especially if you are in that under 29 category. :)


    Good luck everyone! I would love to hear from you guys! You can find me on Twitter @claglsu :D

    Crystal I totally meant to vote up your comment and I accidentally clicked the down arrow and now it won't let me change it!!! No! Blast this system, sorry!! If there is a way I can undo an accidental downvote please share! I would think there should be! :(  I followed u on Twitter, on a good note  :) I've been looking into other grants and fellowships; I happened to stumble across the girl's website one day http://www.breakingenglish.org/Lalasphere/Welcome.html and it was really inspiring as it reminded me that there is really a HUGE amount of opportunity out there, beyond Fulbright, for funding for special projects and research. I couldn't believe how many grants she has received! I think half the battle, oftentimes, is access, and simply knowing where there ARE opportunities. I had never heard of half of these.

  8. Thanks rtlc!! I don't think they can release it either, since she never replied! Congratulations, it must feel so good after a long two-year road to have done it!! So happy for you!! My FPA seems to have dropped of the face of the earth (although it IS summer)... she is a retired prof, geez, must be about 75+? and does the job on a volunteer basis. Very blunt and tells it like it is. Lol. She was very helpful through most of the process though. I am most definitely applying to grad school! My plan now is to teach at community college in San Diego for a year and apply with the next cycle of PhD apps in the field of English/Literature/Media Studies (or some amalgamation to that effect!) for fall 2014.  I would love to do a Fulbright research-based program, or even apply for an arts Fulbright in creative writing at the PhD level to take a year and write a book somewhere else in the world at some point in a grad program!! That would be an AMAZING experience.  :)  And I agree; I have gotten the feeling more and more that the Fulbright ETA position is often (of course not in every case) geared towards a younger demographic. I'm sure there are reasons. And I know, poor CrystalDee :unsure:  I read all about her story on her and I think it's terrible! Thanks for dropping a line; it's good to know that Fulbright seems to like alternates to reapply, and picks them! Congrats again on your perseverance paying off!!  :lol:

  9. So sorry, but don't give up hope just yet! I'm sure there are many that already committed to jobs or decided they aren't willing to go due to language, riots (anybody watching the confederations cup riots?!), etc. With 90 slots, odds are certainly in favor of some alternates getting moved up!

    Thanks zhaskin! I love your positivity; it's encouraging! I was actually thinking the same thing: I have been watching the news and not sure how that might affect candidates' decisions about going to Brazil right now. Thank you for the reminder to stay positive. I was pretty dejected this morning after all that build-up but am feeling much better after hanging with my family and just trying not to worry about it anymore: if it's meant to be, it will be, and you never know!  :)

  10. Ugh... Bummer...

    Thanks rtlc06, it really is. I am thoroughly disappointed and the alternate status is tough because there is no definitive answer. The email basically says they may contact you if a spot opens up, or not, in which case you just won't hear from them again, I guess the best course of action is to proceed as though I am NOT getting it, and then if the heavens open up and something crazy happens be pleasantly surprised and very happy. I have seen the other ETA alternates on here who were promoted so it does give me a glimmer of hope. I emailed the program advisor to ask if she could tell me how many alternates there are to get a better sense of the odds but haven't heard back. I don't know if they can release that kind of info...


    Sorry about the alternate status.  Let me know if you are looking for teaching gigs in San Diego ;)

    Snuffleupagus (LOVE your screen name btw!) I am a huge fan  :) , as a matter of fact I AM looking into and interviewing for adjunct jobs at community colleges and elsewhere in the SD area right now. I have an interview lined up for a semester-long teaching gig next week. If you know of anything that would be great since I am still definitely in the market. Thanks!

  11. So thrilled for all the newly accepted!! That's wonderful! Good luck to those waiting. :)


    Oh the life of an alternate. Currently going through the whole rigmarole of networking, emailing, calling....trying to find that magical person who will employ me. Part of me wants to get upgraded because of the wonderful experience, etc. but a growing part of me wants to get it just so I can push off all this stuff for another year, haha.

    Thanks Crystal!  :) Thunderstruck, I can imagine, I am wondering if I am going to end up an alternate too. More waiting? Noooo!

  12. CALL THEM!!! this same exact thing happened to me!!! Everyone else in my region was notified at the same time and I received NOTHING!! I called my program manager like "I know notifications went out today and I didn't get one... Is this a mistake?" she took my name and looked me up and guess what: I got it!!! I found out over the phone...my program manager forwarded my selection notification to a different email. I still never got the original!! Check it out ASAP! they're human in this program and therefore they make administrative mistakes. Another example: in the 2012-2013 cycle I was an alternate. In the subject line of my notification email they spelled Fulbright wrong!! Lol.

    Anyway - INVESTIGATE!! there was probably a mistake and this absolutely does not mean you weren't selected!!

    lol, I love it...  "In the subject line of my notification email they spelled Fulbright wrong!!" Thanks for sharing; that is really good to know. I am going to call her first thing tomorrow morning because the woman I talked to today said she didn't know who had sent out the emails and I would have to talk to the program manager who was out. (!!!!) So yeah, she can expect a call from me tmw at precisely 5 am PT.  B)  Wow, I REALLY hope the EXACT same thing happened to me, and when I call her she's like, "oh really? but you've been accepted dear!" (For some reason I imagine her saying this with a vaguely British accent). It is fishy because one email they sent me never arrived previously. Okay, approximately 13.5 hours... I can do this! Oh Lordy.

  13. Let us know. Maybe they sent it and you did not receive again! I hope u got it! :-)

    Thanks, yeah I will keep you guys posted! I hope so!  :)  Either way, I called the offices first thing this morning because I couldn't stand the suspense, and (naturally) the woman who would know is out of the office until tomorrow!!!! Well, at least it's just one more day (hopefully) of waiting, either way. And congrats on the great news; you must be so excited!

  14. You got nothing yet?! Check your spam, junk boxes, alternate emails, and the works?! That's crazy! Maybe they are doing it on a rolling process.... Hopefully you will hear something asap! 


    ej, did you get the confirmation email that your statement of interest was received? I got that in late May or so I think...

    Nothing! And oh trust me, I checked EVERYTHING! When I happened to look here on the forum this evening I was like "What?!" The plot thickens, but only for me! Maybe mine is taking longer to process because I submitted it pretty much the last possible day (I was in the middle of prepping my Master's thesis & TAing a class--what a CRAZY semester!), and they ARE doing it on a rolling basis? Though it seems like Fulbright precedent stands that they release all notifications at once, including alternates? Ahhhh!


    You make a good point though; there actually was a weird email snafu and I didn't receive the confirmation letter; however, when I called the contact lady in NY she said the confirmation had been sent and then sent me a second copy which I did receive then. I hope nothing crazy happened to my application! Ahhh! Maybe I should call her tmw and see what it is up, if I don't have an email by the afternoon!

  15. I'm going to Brazil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I made it. THANK GOD! <3 This is such a blessing.



    I highly encourage everyone to re-apply again if you did not make it. I graduated with a 2.9 GPA and still made it.


    Congrats! I Am not, but congratulations to all who are! Best of luck!

    Congrats you guys!!! That's amazing! Did you all receive emails today?? I didn't get anything...  :blink:  What does that mean??? murphy, so sorry to hear that. Did they send you a formal email saying it was a no-go?

  16. I'm glad to hear people are still getting their alternative status changed and really hope the Brazil people are learning abut their status. Brazil is absolutely somewhere I'd love to go.

    Thanks! Did you apply/or are you applying this year? 

  17. Hi all,

    I've been lurking about this forum throughout my Fulbright application process. I'm also waiting on Brazil, so I thought I'd join you in the waiting game haha. Good luck to all who are waiting!

    We're all coming out of the woodwork! Welcome, belated visitor like myself! May we all meet on the banks of the Amazon!  :lol:

  18. ughh here we go again. I was all heartbroken when I got rejected last year, but I have a new idea for a great project and realized my project last year was kind of boring. This year, I think my idea is actually pretty innovative... Basically I want to take operas by Jewish composers from the 1930s right before the Third Reich that were repressed or forbidden to be performed and make comprehensive copies of them (readable scores with an introduction and translation, so that people can use them more freely for performances) and also do perhaps one or two performances of these operas. 


    I am still working on getting a letter of affiliation. Not sure how to start. I had one last year but realizing it was probably no where near detailed enough; all she said was that they'd accept me and support my project. I don't know if you need more than that. Also, I don't think I want to use the same person again. Part of me is embarrassed to reach out because I basically have to admit to everyone I reached out to last time that I was rejected :(


    But I'm going to keep trying... sigh. If I get rejected again, I guess it's not meant to be, but I want to try!

    Good for you for trying again! I don't know if I could go through the process again if I get rejected twice this year, but you never know! I'm planning on applying for PhD programs for fall of 2014, and to adjunct jobs as well. The LanguageCorps program that people are talking about sounds like a really cool option in the meantime!


    You shouldn't be embarrassed at all; just say that you have a new vision for your project that you are even more excited about...I'm sure the same folks would be more than happy to help you and excited about your idea too :) I must say I am glad that I am at the end of the line now and just waiting to find out rather than starting my application. It's an intense process, that's for sure, but I'm sure you'll do great!

  19. Well, looks like we will be waiting until next week at least for Brazil...

    Just checked my email for the fifth time today too, I guess so :wacko:  I was really hoping today was the day! Was thinking decisions might be made on a Friday (around 6 pm PT, similar to the first round?). Wonder if that means it will be next Friday or even the very last Friday in June!! Noooo! But who knows, as the situation here is totally different? To put it in perspective though, we will hear one way or another within the next two weeks!! That's no time  :)  (when you're not checking emails 5-10x/day).

  20. On the plus side while we wait.... I officially have committed with LanguageCorps to teach English in Chile starting July 8! The plan is to be there until late December and then (hopefully) head to Brazil in late February if given the Fulbright. Pretty excited for the upcoming weeks!

    Congrats! That is super exciting! I checked out the website; it looks like a great program. Something to think about for the in-between time! 

  21. Ya... I'm wondering how many people they asked originally and how many were willing to write the extra statement of interest.... or even willing to go to Brazil! I'm sure many wouldn't want to learn Portuguese or may already have made full-time plans... Needless to say, I'll be crushed if I get alternate AGAIN haha

    Good points... Hopefully just the three of us! haha. There wasn't a lot of time to write the second statement so I am sure that not everyone offered the chance took it, although I must say I had never considered Brazil because of the language barrier but I didn't have to think twice about it when I got the offer. :D  And I know exactly what you mean. Fulbright already broke my heart once! I am trying to be realistic and not get my hopes up too high but stay positive! I am pretty sure that mmurphy is a shoe-in in light of that email. I wonder when they will make the announcements (soon, please!) and if they will be all at once or on a case-by-case basis as decisions are made...

  22. speaking of Portuguese...are any of you Brazil ETAs taking Portuguese classes? I'm trying to figure out where I could learn the language here


    Waiting to find out if I get it or not before I commit to any sort of classes... don't want to get my hopes up!

    Same here; I am waiting! (But have played around a bit with a free online language program that offers Portuguese called Duolingo. Portuguese is definitely quite different from Spanish, the second language I am fluent in!). I live in San Diego and am wondering the same thing--where could I take non-virtual classes. Luckily there is a Brazilian cultural center here and I think that language courses are offered through local university extension programs.

  23. Welcome to the board then! What country were you an alternate for?

    Thanks! I have been lurking around for a while starting back in January and was sooo disappointed to get that initial rejection email. I applied to Argentina. I think 120 applied for about 15 spots. I got the same email about having very favorable reviews this time around for Brazil and was very surprised and happy. Somewhat obsessively checking my email every day now! I have no idea how many applicants are now under consideration for Brazil, although I remember the email did say it was a select group so I'm hoping it's smaller rather than larger!

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