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Posts posted by delaneyy

  1. I'm looking to apply for admission or some programs for higher education/student affairs but not sure where to start because of my academic background.


    I'm a few years out of undergrad and didn't do so great academically. My GPA was somewhere around 2.5, I had a history of academic probations, etc. I had a lot of personal and health issues that were detrimental to my GPA. Once I got back on my feet, I did okay. For my last two semesters of school I had a 3.3 and 3.5 GPA, but it wasn't enough to balance the earlier grades. I knew I wanted to pursue higher ed/student affairs, and I got in some pretty significant leadership experiences during my final semesters in school. But I knew grad school was out of the question with my GPA, so I've just got as close as possible to working in this field as I could without having a graduate degree. I've worked two jobs, one at a community college doing basic admissions/orientation work, and at a larger 4 year public school in the student activities department. I have great references, my experiences in the field are pretty unique, and I have a lot of connections to a good amount of Student Affairs professionals in my state from my leadership as an undergrad.


    Since my undergrad GPA is so low, and my GRE scores are just average (155V, 140Q), what are my options? Are there any post-bac or nondegree type programs where I can prove my academic ability so that I can get admitted to a full program? Or is there another route I should be looking at? I'm really hoping to move forward in my career in student affairs and am very passionate about the field, but I just need to figure out how to get past my undergrad history.

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