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Posts posted by ticktock

  1. I've always used the moleskine weekly notebook; comes in 3 sizes, hard or soft bound, and variety of colors. http://www.moleskine.com/us/collections/model/product/12-months-weekly-notebook-black-soft-cover-large


    You can get them via calendar year (Jan-Dec) or 18 month. I really like the large size; but all size are laid out with the calendar (Monday-Sunday) on the left side, while the right side is a simple ruled page (where I keep my to-do list, track other things). I converted from large to pocket size when I wasn't going to school and had less things to track, but will go back to the large size for school use. Also, the binding/cover is very durable; I throw it around in my purse/backpack, and it still stays pristine. I also imagine that if I forget to bring my research notebook or something for a meeting with professor/advisor, I can always take out this notebook to take quick notes (it has extra pages at the back of the book) and still look presentable. 

  2. Treated my parents and myself to a trip to Europe, one that I've been dying to go for as long as I can remember. It'll be a celebration or a consolation prize, depending on the outcome on my top choice. 


    Quitting my job and getting a new laptop after my 6 year old Macbook finally died. 

  3. Hi all, 


    I wanted a second opinion on the situation since I've been over-analyzing it for some time now. 


    I was waitlisted at my top choice a month ago. It was surprising to me only because I received a call from department chair before the waitlist letting me know I was a top candidate and I should be hearing good news. A few weeks later, I found out that I was waitlisted.... not the good news I was hoping for. 


    Since then, the program has emailed me twice asking me to confirm my interest should they be able to extend an offer. I've also emailed my POI asking if there's anything I could do, and he's told me just to hold tight until the acceptances have made their decisions. 


    My question is, why are they asking me to confirm my interest when there has been no movement on decisions? Should I have high hopes to get in? 


    Your thoughts and opinions would be appreciated!

  4. Thanks Kismet1992! 


    I jumped the gun in asking the question. I just received a note from SOPHAS that my application has been verified (strange that it's a few days after the schools have emailed me), but alas everything is a go! Letting others know in case they encounter the same timeline mismatch. 

  5. I also e-submitted my SOPHAS on Nov 2 but the status says Complete/Not Verified;  but I already got a confirmation email from 2 of my schools that my applications have been completed and submitted. 


    So has my SOPHAS application been verified? Anyone else encounter this problem? Thanks!

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