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Posts posted by texasteacher

  1. I haven't heard anything back yet. I was actually looking into Colorado once I completed my MA at Teachers College. That full funding looks pretty good. I think Ohio State is similar for their Ed. Leadership ph.d.

  2. I'm trying to get an idea for which Ph.D. programs I could realistically get accepted to.  I have not had a lot of luck in finding hard statistics on admissions (I'm sure a bunch of schools don't release them), but since I had a little time to burn, I thought I'd post on here and see what people say.


    I'm looking for a Ph.D. in C&I, maybe with some form of emphasis in urban ed. I'm open to anywhere in the US, but would like to attend the best program possible (also would prefer one with full funding lol).


    These are my education stats: (they are not the greatest)


    M.A. - Teachers College, Columbia University - Computing in Education, 4.0

    M.A. - Louisiana College - Teaching - 3.55

    B.S. - University of Houston - 2.2


    GRE score - 301 - 155 verbal, 146 math, 4.0 writing


    3 years of teaching, 2 at an urban charter school, 1 at a college prep academy

    Worked as an IT head for a year, department chair at my school, won teacher of the year.


    So which colleges are in my range and which are dreams?

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