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Posts posted by kmast88

  1. I'm getting ready to apply to some PhD programs in Comp Lit.  Emory is my dream school.  Their program seems perfectly suited to the research I want to do.  However, when I got my MA in French, my GPA was only 3.22.  (I was working part-time and raising a pre-school aged son on my own.)  I did better as an undergrad.  I know I need to apply to some less competitive schools, but it's hard to get a feel for how competitive a program is.  Can anyone recommend some good safety schools?  

  2. Thank you for the encouragement!  My undergrad GPA was pretty good (3.6), but when I got my MA, I was raising a child on my own and working part-time on the weekends in addition to my TA responsibilities, so I didn't always get the A's I wanted.  My graduate GPA was 3.22.  Now, I'm worried that I won't get into a PhD program.  I've got 12 years of excellent work history, a decent GRE score and good LORs.  Hopefully that will be enough to compensate.

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