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Everything posted by 2014Applicant88

  1. Didn't get Mexico... Designed an entire course around my project at a top-ten school Won a $10,000 grant for my host insitution and am traveling with their researchers in LA for two weeks this semester Spent 100+ hours on application Couldn't hear their questions in the interview due to a muffled connection And so it goes.
  2. Ok - thanks for checking up on that.
  3. Kagt - did you get this email from them today??
  4. For countries that do interviews, does anyone know how much weight the interview has? Had mine recently and it was extremely difficult ( connection problems made it more difficult to hear qs which were coming in a diff language). Does a bad interview mean game over?
  5. For those of you who conducted Skype interviews, did the interviewers and you wear suits? Am not sure how formal I should be...
  6. Does anyone know how common interviews are for student scholar research applicants? If so, do you happen to have any resources that detail the process?
  7. kagt: I think they meant February 3rd
  8. I'm in the same boat as Austin05
  9. Just heard back!
  10. Hi— does anyone know if candidates to one country are considered in relation to other applicants from their school or in comparision to the entire applicant pool for that country? I’m a current applicant from a top ten school. A very similar candidate from my university is applying to the same host country as me with a related project. With both have 3 summers of work experience in relevant fields, good gpas, international experience, ect. With this hurt our chances?
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