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Posts posted by exploregre

  1. Hi Dicapino, 


    I hardly respond to analytical writing, but I am just into this and want to have a look !!


    I would not rate because rating is relative thing.


    It was little bit confounding to me that you choose to support the argument, even extremely.Rather, It would be perfect to  criticize this argument rather than support this. Because the argument is not strong. But, it does not matter which side you take if you get some reasonable ideas to support your position.


    I do believe that you missed some important aspects of writing. That is : generally first paragraph should be introduced to introduce your position, next paragraphs should explain your positions, and last paragraph should be used to paraphrase what you  have  written so far. And, most importantly, there must be relations or consistency among the paragraphs, which I think you missed.


    Another thing you used some extreme words(e.g. paramount). I do believe that smart writers use optimal tone rather than extreme words.


    And the most crucial thing you missed that to explain why students are unlikely to succeed before  they try to do something. How would institutions determine that a particular students are unlikely to succeed? you should explain these questions.


    The good thing is that you have given some examples, but also you lacked some complexity that is required to score a 6 point.


    Don't worry; you have covered the basic things. I will suggest you to grab a copy of manhattan, and then to read their strategy carefully.

  2. 1. Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guide :Reading Comprehension 

    2. Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guide :Text Completion/Sentence Equivalence

    3. Manhattan Prep GRE Essential and advanced vocab

    4. 5lb book of manhattan gre (additional for practice: buy only if you need more practice)

    5. Old ets materials(big book) for Reading comprehension

    6. Cracking the new gre(For strategy)

  3. The answer of your question is pretty easy: it depends!!! 


    It varies to person to person. There is no specific limit for gre words to be learned. But you have both manhattan essential and advanced words, so that is almost 1000 words. And you have Barrons too. So you have already covered many words. Next, take a test, and check how it is working.


    Besides learning words, you should also emphasize the context of the words. You should learn how these words are used, and also emphasize the words with secondary meaning( for example, row is a word which generally means horizontal line; another meaning is disagreement/quarrel . Always revise the words you learnt!

  4. I saw the post. The reason why I am considering just reading GRE passages is that I am a bit pressed on time, so I may not have time to read separate articles as well as do RC passages&questions. Wouldn't you be improving your read comprehension just from reading GRE passages? What is the distinct advantage of reading outside material? 


    Advantage is your are improving your vocabulary as well as being familiar with different level of complexity of the passage, sentence, and topic!

    As you are not able to have enough time, it is ok to practice reading comprehension!  


    When you practice, try to practice at least 2 hour ; it will help you to improve attention span. And you can download reading comprehension from the site I mentioned above! 

    Best of luck!

  5. Hey for me, there are two purposes for reading gre materials: one is to get familiar with complex gre passage as well as obscure words, other is to be habituated with the stress that one might feel during the gre exam.


    When reading the materials, one should read actively/ critically: What is the purpose of the  each paragraph? why the author included particular sentence in the paragraph? what is the authors position? Is he supporting or contradicting ?etc. etc. etc.

    For improving reading comprehension, you also need to practice reading comprehensions from relevant sources: manhattan, old ets materials. And you might need a guide for strategy; the one I would suggest is: manhattan reading comprehension guide.


    Lastly, One should read long article because GRE is long hours (almost 4 hour) exam. It is not unusual to be stressed during the exam, so reading long articles for long time might help you to increase your stamina and attention span!

  6. Quantity A                            Quantity B


    qr/5                                        3/s


    As all are positive numbers, we can cross multiply;


    so we get, 

     qrs                                      15



    As obviousbicycle explained qrs could have different values, so  the relationship cannot be determine from the information given.

  7. 1. His writing in the New York Times provoked a lot of feedback, much of it suggesting that he had been far too____(i)________ that while the situation may be grim, it’s not ____(ii)________ and that the last thing scientists should do is to stop looking for ways to keep recalcitrant weed alive.
    (i)  apocalyptic , dire , villainous
    (ii) pessimistic , panglossian ,  long-lasting
    2.The strategy to employ surrogate for warranting the efficiency of the new HIV medicine is clever, but also ____________: the surrogate’s body system is quite _____________ dynamic human body consisting of unique DNA.
    (i) little bit tenacious ,craftily manipulated , quite challenging
    (ii) paralleled with, dissimilar to, contingent on

    1.b,d  2. c,e



    for more: http://exploregre.blogspot.com/2013/08/text-completion-drill-2-2-blank.html

  8. hey all I can say that princeton is pretty easing comparing with original gre. I suggest you to buy manhattan book which covers every concept from easy to hard and also , you will get access for 6 mst!i


    Vocab is ok!

  9. As you are aiming for top 10 school, it is better if you retake. But, you didnt mention the materials you used. 


    For quant, Manhattans book 1-6 is the best option , 5 lb for more practice, and off course, don't forget to take the 6 exam given with manhattans books


    for verbal, it is better to increase your attention span by reading loads of articles from neworker, nytimes, the atlantic, etc.

  10. 1. But taking a bigger role in a vast and unprecedented cleanup may also be a political gamble for the President, especially if the government proves as unable as TEXON-the failing company- to ____________ the unending leaks of radioactive materials from the devastated plant.

    A. Contain
    B. Peddle
    C. Depict
    D. Distort
    E. Mirror
    F. Restrain




    A, F


    For more visit: http://exploregre.blogspot.com/2013/08/sentence-equivalence-drill-1.html

  11. A total pessimist, obsessed by the many horrors of world events and especially by man’s cruelty to man and even to animals, Beckett had a -----------------------to our short lives on this planet and our attraction to wars, killing and cruelty and tendency to dominate others. But this -----------------was eerie in the midst of ---------------------vision dominated in his time.


    i. positive vision, negative attitude, pragmatic view

    ii.obfuscation, observation,jargon

    iii.buoyant, cynical,panglossian 




    For more 3 blank text completion , visit:http://exploregre.blogspot.com/2013/08/3-blank-gre-text-completion_1.html

  12. YES manhattan exam is adaptive, First section is same, but 2nd second section depends to your performance in FIRST section, there are off course lots of overlap in the sections. So you will some new questions.



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