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  1. I don't know if there is another thread on this topic--I looked quickly but didn't see anything. Anyone a parent and potential/current doctoral student? I have a 20 month old, am 27, and have always have a goal of getting my PhD in social worker or social welfare. Is it....possible? I am hoping to apply to schools within the next 2 years, though I am also hoping to have another child by that point. Potentially impractical. Also worth noting is the fact that I am married, with a husband who also currently works full time (and would certainly be doing so in the future if I go back to school--though it's for a nonprofit and not as CEO of a bank or something ). We both have local family who are wonderful, but can only realistically hope for a day or two a week of help as they also work and have their own lives. I'd love to hear anyone's experiences, regardless of whether your situation is similar to mine or not.
  2. I got my BSW from Southern. I had some great professors and got some good mentoring--but I was an extremely dedicated student, so I kind of had to fight for it in that respect. I know nothing firsthand about UCONN. SCSU is actually pretty selective for their master's program--I think this is due to the size of the program, but out of the 5 grad schools I applied to, SCSU was the last to offer their acceptance (this includes some more "reputable" programs, including Columbia and NYU---in quotes because I don't feel names mean as much in social work programs). I also did not get an immediate offer for grants, but don't know what was typical at the time or now. New Haven has a good amount of quality fieldwork opportunities depending on the area you are interested in (clinical vs. macro).
  3. I'm hoping if I do a little bump on this thread someone will give me updates and/or advice, info...anything, really! I have my MSW from Columbia in 2008 and have been itching to apply to PhD programs ever since. My problems at this point are being very limited to certain locations due to my husband's job being local and needing help from family for childcare, as well as being fairly unfocused about what I'm most interested in--all of the sudden I'm sort of drawn to the super clinical programs, though I don't know if it's just a phase. I have ZERO research experience...and that's really my biggest concern. I am currently trying to find out more about Fordham, Smith, NYU, WashU, UCONN, and Hunter. Any news, advice, experences??
  4. Well i really wish you luck! If you don't get in this round, would you apply for the next? I have a question for those that haven applied for PhD...how much research experience do you have? How important do you think this is weighted against the GRE's, graduate records, etc.?
  5. I'm a CUSSW grad and I think that they definatley will value your experience and your graduate GPA over your undergrad.
  6. I would love to hear an update from anyone in this thread...I think I might start a new one with questions about preparing to apply for PhD programs. I am so curious!
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