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Posts posted by EVG14

  1. I don't know exactly, but I know he received his invitation to interview before I had heard from any school. My guess would be sometime in January? As far as the actual acceptance letter, I think that came a week or so after the interview. Again, take this with a grain of salt as I am not 100% sure haha. 

  2. No, I don't believe that they will expect that you have already done a Masters thesis on it. And yes, it is totally normal to study something unrelated to what you have studied in the past. In all honesty, many first and second year Ph.D. students are still figuring out their EXACT research interests, so I really wouldn't spend any time at all worrying about the fact that your interests may have changed. My work before grad school hardly related to my exact research interests, and I don't believe that it hindered my admissions process in any way at all. The importance of the SOP cannot be underrated, use this to explain how your research interests evolved!

  3. It most certainly does matter when it comes to eventually finding a job in the academic market. With that being said, it would be foolish to attend a program that wouldn't foster your research interests. However, if you are able to find an advisor at a higher ranked institution that does similar work to what you would like to do, I would say to go with that over attending a university that is doing exactly what you want to do but may not be ranked too highly. Just my opinion. :)

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