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Billy the Mountain

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Posts posted by Billy the Mountain

  1. I've followed this site for awhile in my obsessive quest to land at a top IR graduate school. Alas, the time to apply has come and I want to start a thread to compare profiles, offer advice and pass along news/rumors.

    I'll begin:

    Schools Applying/Applied To: Georgetown SSP, GWU Elliott, Johns Hopkins SAIS, American SIS, Chicago CIR, Princeton WWS, Denver Korbel

    Schools Admitted To: n/a

    Schools Rejected From: n/a

    Still Waiting: all

    Undergraduate institution: Top 5 Pulic Affairs undergrad program

    Undergraduate GPA: 3.9

    Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable):

    Undergraduate Major: Policy Sudies- International Policy, minoring in Economics and Buisness

    GRE Quantitative Score: 156

    GRE Verbal Score: 166

    GRE AW Score: 4.5

    Age: 33

    Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): Finishing undergrad now.

    Years of Work Experience: 8 years in the Army, including 5.5 in Military Intelligence. Two years in Iraq collecting intel, including one year working for SOCOM.

    Languages: I once spoke pretty good Farsi, but it has gone downhill in the past few years. I still know the language, just need work on my vocabulary.

    Econ: 5 classes: Micro and Macro, Stats, International Trade, and History of E

    conomic Thought.

    Strength of SOP: Not written

    Strength of LOR Not written, but should have one from a former Army Commander, and two from Professors, including one from a world-renowned IR Professor.

    I have high hopes, but ultimately it all comes down to funding. I have the GI Bill and the Yellow Ribbon Program, so I'm hoping to go for free, but we will see about that.

    Please contribute what you like. Let's make this a place to sweat it out together.

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