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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

colorfulcat's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Le sigh. I suppose there's always next year.
  2. It's by institution. The grant is given as a chunk to your institution, so if one applicant is still up in the air at your school, than no one at that school will receive info I believe. http://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/32-million-grants-awarded-fulbright-hays-doctoral-dissertation-research-abroad
  3. Okay, I'm going to post this to give us all a tiny sliver of hope. From the Fulbright-Hays Q&A. 22. When will students be notified whether or not they have been selected? The review process for DDRA Program applications is lengthy and multi-faceted, so announcement times may vary. Regret letters are sent to the institutional applicant usually in February or March. Candidate status is announced usually in April and as late as September. It is the responsibility of the institution to inform students of their status. The Department does not inform students directly. Awards are issued between April and September. And that's on the normal timeline. My institution has historically done really well on Fulbright-Hays and I think it's unlikely that not a single person at my University got it this year, so I'll hold onto that.
  4. maybe all of us who are waiting are actually all from the same damn school.
  5. Hm. There goes all my hope. .
  6. that's how I feel--I doubt that NO ONE in my school got one?
  7. anyone still waiting?
  8. Why did I read this before bed? Now I'm not going to be able to sleep. DAMN YOU EAST COAST TIME.
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