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Posts posted by brooksja5

  1. So, I'm potentially going to attend grad school at UIUC.  Can anyone on here attempt to fill me in on the two cities?  I know it's in the middle of nowhere, but maybe highlight a few of the positive and negatives!

  2. Lol. UMadBro?


    To appease the young kid -- University of Minnesota is a great institution. They are ranked in the top 25 for chemistry and have some professors that do outstanding work. They have faculty that work on many different areas of chemistry research. Many students graduate from here and go on to have very successful careers. You will gain a great deal of training at this institution. However, I notice that you have also been accepted to Illinois. They are a far superior program and would afford you boundlessly greater career prospects. I would suggest that you attend this institution above Minnesota. Good day and good luck.


    Or tl;dr in regards to UMinn: You got into Illinois. They're not that good. The end. B)

    Hahaha... thank you sir. Not trying to start anything here. I was just curious to see if anybody had any "helpful" info about the U of M.  I definitely understand that UIUC is a nicer program when you look at the institution as a whole. 

  3. I have a question for you guys... I recently got a 730 scaled score for CHE GRE. With all my practice exams, that scaled to about 70th percentile. But, it is reported as 57% on my scores. Does that seem like something I should check into?

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