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Posts posted by badgal92

  1. Hi,

    I have applied to Emerson for the Fall 2015 class. Can anyone tell more about what GRE and GPA they usually start accepting at?


    Also, has anyone else received a free application to emerson? One of my bosses has been urging me to apply and I have said no because of the location, cost, and lack of bilingual focus. But randomly I received a free app And I'm thinking, why not?

  2. But more specifically take the time necessary to study for it because like the above poster said, a lot of people rush into it. You don't seem dead set on going to grad immediately, which is ok! I'd say apply to maybe 1-2 schools just to see what happens, but if you don't get in, chalk it up to the test score and/or lack of prereqs

  3. You should definitely retake it. The writing score is ok but I think the 143 is pretty low. Most schools want you somewhere in the lower-mid 150s. I have 154 v and 163 q and 5.0 writing and I considered retaking for the verbal score, but technically it's close enough and the other scores are better, but your scores I would take over.

  4. Hi! Absolutely use the neuroscience/linguistics professor because those fields are quite relevant and you did a lot of supervised research and she knows you well. If the school asks for three, definitely use the first three you listed. If the school asks for two, I would still send them the three because they will usually welcome the third. You are fortunate to have a lot of options for recommendations. If you must send two, I am tempted to suggest the slp you observed because you don't have any slp recs. however I feel like a professor who knows you very well and knows the profession can write an effective letter. I myself have a mediocre rec from an slp, a stronger rec from the head of the education department and a rec from a professor that taught a research course.

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