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Posts posted by Cpsych92

  1. I would get a new LOR. I was able to see 2 of mine and both were almost 2 pages and very detailed. I can only cross my fingers for the 3rd. Maybe he was just really busy and needed extra time? Did you provide him with your CV,resume, transcript and other items to aid him in his letter writing?

  2. It depends … I think it depends on how they accept student. Does a committee or is the final say up to the POI? How does the application process work? It varies from school to school. I think the ideal situation would be where the POI is the one who choses. In some cases they can chose whoever they want. Is it your alma mater? That may help too.


    I think all in all there is absolutely no negative, only positive to this. However, the way the school handles the application process would impact the overall influence.  

  3. I am in a panic. One of my December 1st deadlines, my alma mater for crying out loud, has made me nervous. My transcripts never appeared as a requirement. I emailed and they assured me it was fine. Well I go to check my application today and my student id no longer appears and one box is checked "no not a current student" but directly below it lists the school. 




    Edit: they said it is fine, everything is there


    anyone else having last minute panic attacks ;) 

  4. I have heard to submit it before December 1st. At many places the application first goes through the graduate school and then makes its way to the department. At one of my schools that takes 7 business days. I think as long as it is stamped December 1st you should be fine. They won't pull any of the applications until tomorrow morning. 


    Let the waiting begin! All of my schools had December 1st deadlines. 

  5. Just call and see if you can add it. If the deadline has not passed they should have no problem adding it. I would absolutely call. If not, no big deal, it wasn't required :) Don't stress. I had a panic attack because I used a word that isn't really wrong …. but just wasn't the best word to use and I had to control myself from calling to change it. This process is awful isn't it? We worry and worry.

  6. The waiting game is AWFUL. I didn't apply to many schools, only 3. My application is great .... posters, publications, great GPA, LOR, ...... the pebble in my application is the GRE. I BOMBED it ... 292, so embarassing. I have worked with two of the professors I am applying to and one of them I am fairly close with.  


    I wish I had applied to more than three schools ..... or better yet retaken it .... but waiting game here I come. 


    Why of why don't decisions get made by Jan 1st :)   

  7. I  have the same problem. D:  Noticed TWO errors in my NSF application.  One typo and one fragment sentence.  This is what you get from turning off the spelling/grammar notifs on Word because they always catch technical terms.  x.x


    See everyone has errors :)  (I think)

  8. As far as the 3.2 goes, I really don't think they are going to care about stats of non grade inflation, a 3.2 is a 3.2, you could make up for it with stellar GRE scores and research experience. Your GRE is much better than mine :)  Many professors are used to last minute requests. If you are only applying to a few schools I would go for it. Just explain your situation and give a good reason for asking so late. 


    If not there is always next year! Where are you applying to? That makes a huge difference GPA wise. I think some programs are more lenient than others. It wouldn't hurt to email your POIs but I don't think it puts you at a disadvantage that you didn't. 

  9. My GRE was embarrassing. 292 .... like I said embarrassing. My GPA is almost a 3.9 and I am proud of my CV and research experience. I also think I have a perfect match ... so I am hoping I get really lucky and my scores are overlooked. The schools I am applying to do not have a cut off but recommend a 300 or higher. 


    I think your scores are fine and have heard they are only used to weed out applicants. 

  10. I am still wondering what you consider competitive? GPA wise and GRE wise. Most schools I have seen (that I am applying to ) have a GRE of 310-330 average and average GPA over the years was anywhere from 3.6 - 3.8 depending on the year. Application wise most seem to receive around 230 applicants and accept 8. They only state that most students who are accepted score a 300 or higher on the GRE and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, although obviously the higher the better.


    Is that very competitive? I am so worried about my GRE scores and my one bad semester (which lowered my overall GPA to a 3.73)


    I am nervous that I don't even have a chance because of the GRE. My LOR are excellent though. 

  11. I would only submit exactly what they ask for. My GRE scores are absolutely pitiful, embarrassing actually. I wondered if I even had a pulse when I took it. My combined score is 292, horrid. The schools I am applying to do not have a GRE cutoff but most suggest a combined of 300. I consider myself to be a very skilled writer and only received a 4.0. I am just trying to make it up with my CV. I have 4 posters and 2 publications. I have also completed graduate level work as an undergrad (psychology) with a 4.0. My psychology GPA is a 4.0 and at my current institution my GPA is a 3.87 but overall a 3.73 (I transferred in and had a bad semester due to divorce, it is a wonder I didn't drop the semester all together, at this point I am wishing I had. I can't retake anything though because I received at least a C in all the courses). 


    I would just concentrate on beefing up your CV and showing your writing ability there (and with your sop). I am not a fan of the GRE and I think in some cases it is not an accurate predictor of success, there are exceptions, just show you are one! I would trade you scores BTW, I don't think yours are bad (pending how competitive the programs you are applying to are and if they have a cutoff)

  12. I know I am going to apply to


    University of Alabama 

    University of Tennessee

    University of Florida

    South Florida


    University of Alabama - Birmingham 

    than I have about 7 others I had looked at. I am not sure about Alabama or Tennessee. Is anyone else applying there? They seem very competitive, how do you determine if a school is very competitive? 

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