Hello folks, I am an artist that is looking to make a career change and is trying to figure out what I would be able to study, and where I could study it. I find I am very interested in the psychology of learning, creativity, intelligence, and learning disabilities. I have also become interested in Autism disorders, and the relationship to digestive problems in mental health. I know these are both areas that are psychology studies (educational psychology and nutritional psychology), but I would like to know what school or programs I should be looking at to study the areas I am interested in. Given my personality and work experience, I anticipate being more suited towards research and advocacy, or development of learning materials and programs, as opposed to clinical/client oriented work. As an artist, I have been working in film, theatre, museums, making scenic art, photography, and making animations of concepts and special effects (as opposed to characters). I feel I could apply these skills to my career in psychology. I am just starting out, forgive my poor grammar and terminology! Although I can be an excellent creative writer, I am better at math.
What would a career path look like for someone like me? What schools have good programs in Educational Psychology that also put an emphasis psychological disorders like autism and nutritional research? What jobs should I be looking for, or companies that do this sort of work? Anyone with experience in this area that would like to speak with me and talk about new areas of research and development?