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Posts posted by humrush

  1. Unsuccessful for Goldsmiths.


    I had to call them today as we were supposed to hear by the end of Feb – the lady who answered was asking someone else across the room and I heard a second lady laughing and saying "they would have HEARD by now if they'd been successful" before I went on hold, then the 2nd lady picked up and looked up my record to check. Sucky way to find out :(


    Oh well, onwards and upwards.


    well, i guess its the same situation for me too then!

  2. Hey humrush, thanks for the hope! Wow, congrats on being accepted into RISD for your undergrad, did you end up going there?


    Whoops sorry about the confusion with RCA – I updated my footer incorrectly just now! Interviewed yesterday with the Slade, RCA is next week.


    I was at the RCA last night for a Laure Prouvost lecture, amazing. Such slick facilities @ the Battersea premises.

    yes i did, bfa photo - overall i think its a great place.

    oh okay yours is the 4th, yeah mine is the 6th. Very excited and yet very nervous. i think the pressure of flying all that way (I'm american) just for a 30 minute meeting is getting to me, and interviews have never been my strong point! I've only heard amazing things about RCA - and yeah the facilities seem highly alluring, very eager to check it out it's my #1 for sure.

  3. Waitlisted for RISD...


    i was waitlisted when i applied there for undergrad and ended up being accepted, so don't give up hope!

    i see you interviewed at the royal college of art.. Im applying in a different field but what questions did they ask you if you don't mind me asking? I'm going there to interview very soon. 

  4. Congrats on your interview at RCA!


    I received an email from Goldsmiths at the beginning of February saying they would send out interview invitations at the end of the month. They said their interview dates were between March 17-28 and that you should take this into account if you are planning a holiday. I applied for the MFA in Fine Art and not Curation so I'm not sure if there is a difference. But I also got the same email in December so who know. I'm anxiously waiting to hear back from them! 

    thanks! strange, somehow i was under the impression goldsmiths didn't do interviews. their application was by far the most simple (no proposal or critique necessary) and it seemed interviews were for people who wanted the 1 year program as opposed to 2 year. anyways, my RCA interview is the 6th of march so if goldsmiths wants to conduct one later that month it'll have to be over the phone because i won't be flying back and forth twice.. haha

  5. greetings all - 


    I've applied to a few schools for a masters in curation, I've been invited to interview at RCA for which i am very nervous and not sure what to expect - any insight welcome.


    also, what have you guys heard from Goldsmiths? back in december i received an email saying decisions would be made in january and i have yet to receive any news. seems rather odd.



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