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Everything posted by spex_guy

  1. I wrote to both POI's, one of them replied. Thanks so much, for personal reasons I want to be in SoCal. I'm declining offers from Wisconsin Madison, UChicago, Stony Brook, John Hopkins and UDavis. If anyone's on these waitlists, I hope you get my spot. Cheers.
  2. Waitlisted at UCLA, if you're not planning to go, please decline.
  3. It'll go on till April 1, I called them up yesterday.
  4. They do international admissions later, but "in the coming weeks", and that was when I wrote to them last week. Good luck!
  5. That's reassuring on some levels! Thanks for the info.
  6. Congrats!! That's awesome news. I'm still waiting to hear back from Caltech and UCLA. I guess they do international applicants later. Did you have an interview with Caltech, btw?
  7. I dont, it was last Wednesday. They said I could expect a letter in a week. Good luck!
  8. That was dumb of them. Its a whole different story for international applicants, so don't lose hope yet!
  9. I got an email for an interview on Jan 29 for Feb 3, which apparently was just a formality at that point. Got another email of confirmation today, saying the official offer should be here in a day or two. PChem, btw. Good luck, and hope this helps.
  10. Oh bless you! Thanks so much for the information. Do you know when they'll send out the letters? I need to accept/reject an offer from a really awesome place before the Feb 3. But again, thanks so much for the info.
  11. Ooops, sorry! I was ranting out Any news of Caltech? Anyone?
  12. Same here. Did they accept ANY application? jeez.
  13. Accepted at Scripps!!! yay !!! Happy as fuck.
  14. Congrats! How much, btw?
  15. Accepted at JHU. Anyone else?
  16. International, new college, I'm in the second ever class, integrated master's program in chemistry, 9.15/10 GPA, 3 pubs in J. Phys. Chem. C with two first author and a second, 4 years in a research lab, was at the Lindau meet last summer, will be at the freie university Berlin from Jan to mar 2014, three very strong lors. How's 27500$ for stipend at Irvine? I don't deal with $$$ all that often .
  17. Accepted at UC Irvine, just received an email. With 27,500$ after fees. This is the BEST Christmas ever!!
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