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Posts posted by amberh

  1. That's good to hear. I've been trying to find negative things people have had to say about it, but it seems to be really hard to come across on the web. How come your friends had a tough time finding jobs? What was their background like? Is it partially because they did the certificate instead of the MA?

    I'm not too concerned about passing the Chinese test part (am Chinese American and have been in Beijing for bout 1.5 years). The program is almost half the price of the SIPA MIA, and I think I'd be gaining valuable skills -- fluency in Chinese by the time I finish, as well as focused knowledge on China. Any thoughts on what the strengths of SIPA are compared to HNC? Are they stronger in any course(s) or area?

    If I were to get into the program, I would have been in China for 4 years... at this point, I really can't imagine staying longer than that, so I wouldn't be using the connections in China so much as the U.S. ones.

    carpecc -- were you studying at Nanjing at some point? What's your personal experience there are a student? How come you decided not to in the end?

  2. I don't know if it's too late, but I would recommend against taking it at UC Berkeley Extension, just because it's something like $800 each for a pretty basic, introductory econ class. I've taken a few extension courses through Berkeley for their editing certification and also separately since I was an undergrad there...

    I was in a similar situation 2 years ago -- had already graduated, but needed macro/micro to apply to programs. I took Macro + Micro online through a local community college (DeAnza College in Cupertino, CA)... That cost me something like $50 + cost of books for each class. The instructor was very good. I think that if you do all your reading and assignments, you will learn just as much as you would at any other university in introductory economics, and the grading is probably a bit more lenient than what you might find at Berkeley.

  3. I've been trying to find feedback about the MA in International Studies program through Johns Hopkins in Nanjing. Are there any current or former students on this forum that have pros and cons to share about it?

    I don't know if the SAIS in DC or Bologna program acceptance rates can be compared to the Nanjing one, but I was also wondering how much it matters if your letters of rec aren't from former professors. I tried to wing it last time around when I applied for schools 2 years ago (that was 1 year out of college then), since I worked at thinktanks/in academia full-time afterward. Has anyone successfully applied to SAIS w/out academic references before? I'm thinking that now that I'm 3 years out of UG, it might be ok...

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