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Posts posted by EffNine

  1. There's a huge difference, here- the OP is talking about a 3.1 in a Masters program, which is a completely different ballgame than a low undergrad GPA.


    A 3.1 in a masters program is more equivalent to a sub-2.5 GPA in a bachelors program, imo. Since many graduate programs consider anything under a B average grounds for expulsion/academic suspension. You definately don't want to take undergraduate classes to try to bring this up. For one thing, they won't effect your GPA. Graduate and undergraduate GPAs will be calculated from graduate and undergraduate coursework, respectively. If you do, what you're basically saying is that you can do OK in undergraduate coursework, but start having real problems in graduate coursework.

    I think what you will want to highlight more than your GRE scores to balance out the low GPA is research experience.

    I appreciate the insight but what I meant was that I have an undergrad 3.1 not a Master's 3.1. I'm looking to get in to Master's programs.

  2. Hi folks,

    Can anyone share any information about this program? funding? Professors you may know who have mentioned it? placement? And also how hard is it to get in, what's their acceptance rate?

    The program seems to lean continental, which I prefer, from what I can see, unless someone were to tell me they know otherwise.

    thanks for any help you can offer.

  3. Hi Folks,

    Quick question: How do they calculate gpa during the application review? For example, If you have your undgrad GPA, plus 3-4 classes from assorted institutions (some grad some undergrad), do they calculate them together to give you one overall GPA, or do they look at them all separately.

    I'd like to know to figure out whether or not it is worth it to take more undergrad or even a few grad to boost my low GPA of 3.1.


  4. So you would say only take Graduate courses then?

    I'm trying to do anything I can. I was ill the first time I around so I'm trying to make up some ground, and I'm coming from a really small school, so I thought "any little bit helps."

  5. Well my plan is to take more undergrad courses and a few grad level courses to bump up the GPA, hopefully this will help. I assume that the grad will help more than the undergrad courses however, I just have access to more undergrad courses than grad at the moment due to my day job.

  6. Hey folks,

    So what I am trying to gather here is if I'm already a lost cause, and should quit the dream and keep my job, or whether to keep working while trying to put together a worthy application (if this is at all possible at this point), and try for a Master's program to prove myself there since I won't be able to get into PhD program yet. That's what we're dealing with. My problem lies in small school, ok grades, and not a real philosophy department there I kind of had to take classes elsewhere to make it seem feasible. stats are as follows:

    Roberts Wesleyan College GPA 3.1

    GRE: Have not attempted yet

    Letters of Reccomendation: would be coming from people outside the field, and or nobody known.

    Can I make this work? My Plan is to get a great GRE score, take some undergrad, take some grad classes, and then apply in a year and half. I don't want to wait too long since I turn 27 this spring. Hopefully I can squeeze some letters from that grad class. I'm just looking for anyone to tell me whether or not I'll be wasting my time trying to get into a Philosophy Masters program, even after I do all this work.



  7. I would love the contact if you are willing. As far as why it is so high on the list, the program has three professors which my wife is very interested in, Torjesen, Wimbush, and Riley. During her master's work she has worked with Gay Byron who has published work with Wimbush and references Torjesen quite a bit. Needless to say her Academic project has heavily involved their work and she is very familiar with it. The thesis she is working on involves all of their academic interests as well. They are by no means the only professor's doing the kind of work she is interested in, we have looked at others, but they would have been top contenders whether or not they were at Claremont; they just all happen to teach at the same school right now since Wimbush's departure from Union Theological in New York. I am interested in learning about any potential problems that may exist there, if you have access and willingness to share the information.

  8. Hi All,

    I'm posting here for my wife who is a currently finishing up her Masters and applying to PhD programs.

    Her Stats are as follows:

    BA Roberts Wesleyan College 3.8

    MA Colgate Rochester Crozier Divinity School 3.9

    GRE N/A yet

    She's applying to HDS, Harvard Committee on Religion, Vanderbilt, Drew, Boston University, and Claremont. Her top choices are Claremont and Harvard, but Claremont being the one she spends the most time courting we are flying out to Claremont on the 15th of October and staying through the 19th. Now, I have been reading this forum for a while looking for answers about Claremont, and I was deeply saddened when I read that no one on here received full tuition coverage from Claremont. 50% tuition remission is quite scary when taking cost of living and debt accumulation into account. Does Claremont offer Anyone full tuition remission? even just one student? I'm not saying I'm certain that one student would be my wife, but knowing that the possibility is there would definitely help? Does anyone know of anyone who has in the recent economic climate, and if so what were their stats like?

    P.S. if anyone from Claremont reads this, we are attending the Signifying Scriptures Conference and would love to meet students.

    thank you

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