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Everything posted by nrobles8

  1. Ok, cool. Thanks everyone! Was really interested to hear some opinions and experiences about this.
  2. I have a question about a very interesting situation. A friend of mine was working as a student worker and was offered additional pay by a student that was supervising him to create figures/maps for what, at the time, appeared to be simply for work purposes. My friend now recently discovered the work he did was in that student's PhD with only a general acknowledgement of my friend, not of his specific work. His methods do not mention that the figures were created by my friend and the figures do not cite him either. Is this a form of plagiarism?
  3. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Just received mine too
  4. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    I'll be heading to NZ as well but will be at Otago in Dunedin.
  5. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    I have generally had a hard time getting a hold of either Anne or Elena. I was able to call in last week early in the morning, something like 9 Am Eastern Time, and was able to have Elena answer.
  6. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Also received my New Zealand offer! Extremely excited!!! Congrats to everyone!
  7. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    From what I've seen, china has not yet been announced. It's one of the few that we are still waiting on that will hopefully be announced later this week.
  8. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    The tentative offer happens as soon as NSF comes to approve your proposal. Finalizations on these offers don't happen until about a couple of weeks before you leave to take on your fellowship. It's somewhere in the webinar.
  9. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Haha yeah, I get the same thing from my advisor and the rest of my committee almost every other day. STOOOOOPPPPP
  10. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    The feeling's mutual. I've been on edge for a couple of weeks now.
  11. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Just to clarify: I only asked about New Zealand and Elena mentioned that a couple of others would also be announced late next week that she wasn't sure about. So, I assume some of the others might be announced this week, hopefully. We have 5 left: Singapore New Zealand Taiwan China Korea Please correct me if anyone has heard otherwise
  12. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    For those still wondering, I was able to get in contact with one of the program directors this morning and there are some offers that might be rolling out late next week. Specifically, New Zealand and a couple of other unspecified areas.
  13. nrobles8

    NSF EAPSI 2013

    Australia offers have apparently started going out this morning. There is a 2014 thread up already
  14. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Anyone apply to NZ or has anyone heard anything about it?
  15. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Awesome. Congrats everyone!
  16. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

  17. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    From what I've seen in the past, Singapore tends to be one of the last couple of areas that are announced. I could be wrong
  18. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Congratulations to everyone so far! Anyone else apply to New Zealand?
  19. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Same here. Feeling the anxiety rushing back lol. Applied to NZ so hopefully it won't be too much longer.
  20. nrobles8

    EAPSI 2014

    Glad to have found this. Applied to NZ for the summer. Had some formatting issues with the project summary issue that we are currently working out through fastlane but pretty confident about everything else. Good luck to everyone!
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