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Posts posted by OperaticDiva

  1. Hey everyone I'm applying for Fall '10 hence me replying to the topic! Im going for a JD/MPP or just a MPP and then JD later part time. I am not sure if I have the money to go another 4 years full time. I am hoping that I can do a fast track MPP in one year and then go get my JD at night. Is anyone else thinking about this?

  2. I am a senior and I am going to apply for the MPP program and then afterwards get a job and go get my JD at night. I do not have the $ to go another 4 years without a full time job. So, here's the point...my professors told me I should apply to the MPP instead of a political science program because that is what interests me and what I am good at. I do not have any econ or stat courses under my belt. I am taking a full load in the fall and spring semesters so I can't take the lower level courses so get some jist of it. I am graduating in May '10. Should I take a semester off and take econ and stat at a local cc? How important are those courses in a MPP program?

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