I took the GRE for the first time yesterday (and what I thought would be the only time) and I basically failed it. I studied a pretty decent amount, knew almost all of the vocababulary, but I ended up getting 430 on Q and 400 on V. I was so shocked because in practice tests I was getting about 500 Q and 600 V. I am so sad. When I saw those awful scores I just about started crying on the spot.
My 5 year plan of getting a PhD in Clinical Psyh nearly diminished right at that moment.
I will admit that I am not good at math, and despite practice, I sitll cannot perform well on the test due to time and I also panic and forget what to do.
However, I thought I was doing great on the verbal section. I really felt like I was going to get around a 700. But I was completely wrong.
I have decided that I need to take it again. So I will be re-taking it in about a month.
Sorry, I just needed to vent.
I want to get my PhD and becmome a clinician so bad. I just am so worried now that I won't get accepted.