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Posts posted by BriGirl

  1. I have been accepted here. I have a bunch of questions to just "throw out there" as well. I submitted my FASFA but have not received anything back specific to funding, and this is a large concern of mine. Additionally:

    Are any accepted students commuting, or are people looking to live in and around New Haven? (If so are you looking to find off campus housing, or are there opportunities to apply to become an RA, etc, and live on campus?)

    Does anyone know anyone who is or has graduated from this program?

    Does anyone know the schedule of the program - such as the classes are usually after business hours, or vary throughout the day, Monday through Thursday, etc?

    Thanks :D

  2. bkjo21,

    I just PMed you about Mercy. As for Lehman, the interview was going well then I was asked two questions about language disorders, which I didn't think I answered terribly, but the second question was so specific I was thrown for a loop. They asked me what my GPA was immediately afterwards, needless to say I felt like such an idiot. The interview was supposed to be 15 minutes, I'd be surprised if it was 7. Oh well, just glad that experience is over haha!


    Also to everyone on this thread - I have received acceptances but not any mention about funding. I see on other threads, particularly in relationship to larger universities that people are immediately notified about funding/ grad assistant opportunity. Is it strange I haven't received any such news?


    Thanks and good luck guys (or more often gals) :P

  3. Hey all!


    I am having a hard time finding out the cost of the various programs I have applied to. I can't seem to find it on the websites, and the time for decision is quickly approaching. I have filled out my FASFA. I have a couple questions I'd love some feedback from:


    Is there a way to find out the cost of each program? Such as a general website which holds information such as ASHA edfind - or do we need to contact each specific school?


    How will we able to see how our financial aid comes into play? Do I have to contact each school's financial aid department?


    Any help is wonderful!! Thank you! Good luck to all :D

  4. Smrv,


    I applied to Southern Connecticut and did not receive a letter today. I noticed people posted results during the day and I rushed home from work to find nothing in the mailbox from them. I am about an hour and ten minutes away (commuting distance- thus while I applied) from the school, so was a little surprise, but there are two more days to look forward to mail this week. It's funny you say that about your application. I have had to keep in contact with them because they keep claiming they didn't receive my Praxis scores (which was really the waiver). I left a voicemail for the department Friday afternoon, after being urged to do so by the office of Graduate Studies. I received a call back from the Communication Disorders' department Weds. morning stating they had forwarded my Praxis scores to the Graduate Studies office. The woman said she was sealing letters (the decision) as we spoke. I am REALLY hoping this means positive news is on it's way because they continued to send my Praxis scores on, but I might be reading too much into it. Good luck, hopefully we shall know by this time tomorrow evening!

  5. Schnecke would you mind sharing the questions asked at the Mercy interview? Hopefully you will hear good news back from them soon! I work with a few SLP's who went to Mercy and praise the program. I think that is a really important indicator of a program. I have a family member who graduated from New Paltz a year ago and strongly discouraged me from applying/going there.

  6. Thanks Arcanelady27!! Good luck on your interviews, hopefully the second time is a charm! :)


    Daisynic - I had a difficult time with the Praxis waiver process as well. I sent the form from the Southern CT website to the CT Education Department, and they wrote me back not too long after saying my scores would fit the criteria, just send them an official score report. I tried doing this online via CT Ed department, and it turns out there is a glitch in the system and the GRE needed to be mailed to the people in Hartford. So, I got a candidate copy of the GRE sent to me, opened it, resent it to the CT Ed Dept and got an email from them about three days later with a .pdf form saying the Praxis was waved. I mailed and emailed this copy to Southern CT. I sent everything into SCSU way ahead of the deadline, and STILL recieved the 'You did not send your Praxis waiver form in letter'. Luckily the Communication Disorders department emailed me back stating it was a mix up and they had the form. I did verify with the school that your application would still be considered without the Praxis waiver, they would need it by like April or something. I think it has more to do with the graduate school/ state of CT then the CD program itself. So hopefully you can still get it in! Best of luck

  7. I attended the open house at Lehman at the end of October, and was told that if you have your bachelor's in CDSc you do not have to fill out the section entitled "Course Equivalents". I was still confused, as well, when I was filling out the application! I emailed the school, and was told that I didn't have to fill out "Course Equivalents" or "Speech Courses", because the school will look at my transcript for grades and GPA. I hope this is helpful! :)

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