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Posts posted by MSW03

  1. I think your best bet would be to talk with the field advisors directly. They would be able to answer your question the best way. From going to information sessions, many faculty/admissions have told us that having something on your record doesn't necessarily keep you from being placed for field work. However, it can make it more difficult to be placed in certain agencies. I'm sure if you are upfront and honest with the field faculty from the beginning as you are right now with us, that they would try their best to work with agencies to place you! :)

  2. I think both programs are equally reputable and have been around for a long time. I was wait listed at CSULA and accepted to CSULB. I'm wondering if there's a way to check out the percentage and stats of students who have graduated from these programs and their ability to find a job? That's what I care most about, job opportunity! Especially in this economy.

  3. you are considered an "independent student" (meaning only your own income is used to calculate your financial aid package, not your parent's income) if you meet any ONE of the following:


    • Be 24 years of age or older by December 31 of the award year;
    • Be an orphan (both parents deceased), ward of the court, in foster care or was a ward of the court when 13 years or older;
    • Be a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States or serving on active duty for other than training purposes;
    • Be a graduate or professional student;
    • Be a married individual;
    • Have legal dependents other than a spouse;
    • Be an emancipated minor or in legal guardianship;
    • Be a homeless youth;
    • Be a student for whom a financial aid administrator makes a documented determination of independence by reason of other unusual circumstances.


    Therefore, since I met one of the above requirements (being over 24 years old) I was able to declare only my own income and I received a state university grant :) which payed for my tuition :) tee hee! one great advantage of going to a california state school. I'm not sure about other universities though, many graduate school programs do not offer financial aid :(

  4. How was the interview process for CSUN? are the questions intimidating? I noticed there is a writing assignment as well, any feedback would be awesome! :)


    The interview was pretty relaxed, and it's a group interview of 6-8 people being interviewed by two faculty members. They assign each person a number and when asked a question, they go down the row starting at number 1, so I was number 3, which means I had to think much quicker on my feet than people who were larger numbers. They ask questions that pertain to your background education, personal/professional reasons why you want to pursue an MSW, etc. There's also a small group exercise where you are given a prompt to read with your group and discuss it. Then each person shares a small part of what the group discussed. Lastly, the writing assignment was nothing too serious! just asked to write about how you felt about the interview/group exercise. Hope this helps :)

  5. Once you're in a graduate program what you did in undergrad counts for less, and I'm not sure you want to compare yourself to people who got into a PhD program straight out of undergrad. As mop says, having strong letters of recommendation and some research experience is going to be very important. Additionally, you should finish the program with at least one strong research paper (or thesis) that you could use as a writing sample for your applications. Another thing you should be able to do at some point is get some of your work accepted to conferences and present it, maybe even write it up as a paper to submit to a journal (or at least to a conference proceedings). Some people also use an MA program to study additional courses in areas where they weren't strong enough in undergrad (language requirement, stats, etc), or they use it to move into a new/different subfield than the one they studied in undergrad. It's the research that counts--clubs, extracurriculars, and honor societies aren't going to be important. 


    Oops sorry if it looked like I was comparing myself to people who have gotten into PhD programs, definitely not what I was trying to do! I just wanted to gain some insight going into grad school on what I should focus on so that I can be a better candidate after grad school when applying to PhD programs :)

    Thank you very much for your guys' insight! My MSW program finishes with a capstone project instead of a thesis, will that affect me?

  6. Is this a fact or an assumption? CSUN never stated that an interview is part of their admission process in their application. Was anyone accepted to CSUN without an interview?


    I found it under "Application Instructions 2014" pdf document that I downloaded off of the CSUN MSW website. There's a section under "Interviews" that says "Applicants who are chosen to advance to the second phase of the admission process may be scheduled to participate in a group interview. Applicants will be notified by email indicating the date, time, and location of the interview." This may only be for on-campus, I'm not sure if you applied to on or off campus. Hope this helps!

  7. Hey guys!

    Going into my graduate education, I have future goals of earning my Ph.D! However, I remember during my undergrad, I didn't want to pursue a masters, so I missed out on a lot of opportunities that I could have seized as an undergrad that would have made me a better candidate for a master's program later (such as independent study with a professor, an internship, an undergrad thesis, etc). After graduating college, and a few years later, realizing that I wanted to pursue my master's degree, I wish that I had done those things during college! So, I want to take charge this time around and be prepared during my masters to be able to more easily apply to a Ph.D program later... With that said...

    For people that are currently in a Ph.D program or have finished, what were your main accomplishments that you achieved during graduate school that made you a great candidate for being accepted into your Ph.D program? Clubs, honor societies, extra curricular activities, published papers, etc? thanks :) looking forward to hear your guys' thoughts.

  8. hey guys! I was reading through this topic looking for dress ideas before my interview that I had a few weeks ago. Now that my interview is over (group interview), I just wanted to share how everyone dressed so that maybe it can be of some help! :) So at first I was under the impression I would wear business casual, more like some nice women slacks and a button down chiffon shirt. However, in the end, I decided to go all out and wear a full women's business casual suit (slacks and matching blazer) with a pink button up shirt underneath. I also put my hair half up and half down, and wore simple black booties. All the other interviewees who were part of the group interview also wore the same exact thing, business suit! So I would say, safe to always go more business than casual in any situation :)

  9. I compared that list with CSUN's and CSUN's was way shorter and I didn't qualify for any at all. The whole financing for grad school sitch is sort of stressing me out but I am just hoping for the best! 


    I remember you said that you interviewed for CSUN, did you hear back from them about acceptance? :) Btw, the great thing about Cal state schools is that they DO offer state university grants to cover the tuition if you qualify! all you need to do is fill out the fafsa by march 1. No other universities in california (including UC's) offer grants through the state or federal, so its great that the cal states offer that! :)

  10. Ok guys... now I need your help! I turned in my app Nov 6th, and three months and one week later, still nothing! They are rolling admissions, but still, I'm wondering whats taking so long. I did call a month ago and at first the admissions assistant couldn't find my application information in her database when I gave my name. Then she looks longer, and finally found it, telling me my app is in the second phase of review (two faculty members review the app and then they combine the scores) . That put my mind to ease knowing that my app is being reviewed, and that I haven't been rejected. She said it should be another couple of weeks, but now its been a month later! I really don't know what to think about this. I turned in my app super early, but I still haven't been notified three months later. Can't tell if this is a bad sign. I'm tempted to call again to find out about my application status, but not sure if that comes off pushy!

  11. Yay!!! Congrats!!! That's awesome :) I'm not sure what I would do in your position but is Aurora your first or second choice? If you aren't strapped for money, I would send in the deposit money just in case to secure a spot :) I mean if you don't feel bad about not getting that money back if you decide to go to another school! I'm sure this happens a lot which is why a lot of wait list ppl start getting admitted in May or June when ppl who have been admitted start dropping out of the programs they put deposits on.. I think that's normal? But don't quote me on that, I'm not really sure. Again congrats!

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