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  • Location
  • Application Season
    2014 Spring
  • Program
    Business administration

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. What are the most common job routes for a person with a computer science degree? How can an individual with a computer science degree work in a job role more related to business? A lot of Ceo and executives from tech companies have computer science degree such as Marissa Mayer from Yahoo, Larry Page at Google and Donn Mattrick at Zynga.
  2. Squexy

    Wu Vienna

    I read that Wu Vienna has one of the best Supply Chain in the world by Ed Universal so I would like to know if the university is considered one of the best in the world by big companies?
  3. Squexy

    GRE x GMAT

    Which test would be better for someone wanting to pursue a master in the Marketing area? I read that the GMAT is accepted in more business schools when compared to the GRE test and that the GMAT is mostly used for pursuers of MBA degree, I plan to take an MBA in the future so if I take the GMAT to be accepted into a Master program will it be possible to retake the test in the future to use for an MBA program?
  4. Is it possible for an individual pursuing a bachelor in Political Science or Business administration to pursue a master degree in International Relations? I would like to work with international relations of private companies instead of going to government diplomacy, besides MBA are there any post graduation or specialization that is worth getting? PHD? Doing research at universities? Thanks!
  5. Thank you for the answer. I am looking for an undergraduate program, I started university here because most European universities require at least 1 year of university studies for students who finished High School outside Europe
  6. Thank you for the help
  7. Hello, I would some help to know how difficult is to be accepted as an international Undergraduate student in Norwagian, Swedish o Danish Univerties? I was looking at Lund University, Umea Unersity,Stockholm School of Economics and Stockholm University in Sweden, Aarhus University, aalborg university and Copenhagen School of Economics in Denamark related to Business administration degree and University of Oslo in the Media studies Bachelor degree. The programmes that I saw where taught in English minus the one from University of Oslo, based on my information do you guys think that I can be accepted in one of those universities? Is there anything that I can do to raise my chances? Some information: My High school Gpa 2.71 (b-) (In the American system of grades) I am looking for Business administration. I study in a good Business University here in Brazil and my gpa is 9.0 ( the maximun is 10,0) I am learning German and I will take the Testdaf (test to show your level in German) next year I know Portuguese ( my native Languague), English (My toefl ibt score was 110) and Spanish advanced I have been working for 1 year now Thanks in advance
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