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Posts posted by danstina

  1. i've been accepted to UMass Dartmouth for their MFA Artisanry program with a concentration in fibers. Does anyone know anything about this program from a student's perspective or know anyone who has attended? The CVPA campus is in New Bedford, MA a little bit away from the UMass Dartmouth main campus, it isn't the greatest town in america but the facilities were very nice in the fibers department and i saw their MFA show which was also pretty good. I'm just wondering if anyone has any first had experience with the program?

    also i'm thinking about commuting from about an hour away is this is a horrible idea? i really dont want to move to new bedford, providence is about 30 minutes i'd be much more willing to move there. anyone have any experience with anything like this? commuting to an MFA program? i'm currently an UG at massart and i know there are some MFA candidates who have families, i'm assuming they come into the city from elsewhere, i feel it could work, just looking to see if anyone has any experience with something like that.

    thanks in advance

  2. @selkie

    as an UG i've had little contact with the grad students at massart (and just so you know, I am a 3d major so if i did have contact with them, it would most likely be with the 3d grads...) but the thing that makes mass art so great is he students. there are some great faculty members in some departments but in my experience, some departments are stacked with awesome profs. and others have no one who is all that well known. it is true that abe is retiring, but there are some other noteable faculty including Nick Nixon and Laura McPhee. Have you seen this website: http://www.massartphoto.com/ ? check it out. Like I said, I am in 3d, so I dont know too too much about photo but I can tell you that the people in the photo department love the crap out it and we have things that are uncommon. We have a 20 x 24 polaroid camera, one of eight ever made, and we have 3 dark rooms and a digital lab, you probably saw all of this is you came for an interview... idk maybe you didn't.

    There are a lot of improvement plans for the next few years at MassArt and it will be a really exciting time to be a student there.

    To answer your question, I think you would be supported in whatever you want to do. Photo and Film (which are two separate departments) both tend to be more experimental than commercial, and lots of people in photo (again, i'm talking undergrad) take classes in other departments and use various techniques in their work outside of just photo.

    As for alumni, Will Wegman graduated from massart but not in photo although that is what he is known for. Off the top of my head i can't name anyone famous/well known who got their masters degree from massart in photo. that is not to say there are none, but it is to say that i don't know all that much about photographers.

    I have a lot of issues with MassArt as an undergrad, and some of them might be specific to being an undergrad, some of them might not be.

    did that help? sorry i was super longwinded about it.

  3. still unsure!

    but let me tell you-- when i interviewed and saw the undergrad work up in the halls, i was incredibly impressed. i think a lot of the undergrads there are showing so much more direction/promise than some art schools i have visited. i think that also made me feel really good about the program just knowing that the whole atmosphere was really exciting.

    oh wow! im glad you liked it! it is a really good school in terms of the students. If you have any questions you think i might be able to answer while you are deciding let me know!

  4. i've heard back from all my schools and heres my list:

    pratt: fine arts/sculpture: accepted with scholarship

    umass dartmouth : fibers: accepted waiting for scholarship notification

    nyu: studio art: rejected

    tyler: fibers: i called and they told me i was rejected and that i'd get a letter, that was three weeks ago and still no official notice...

    hunter: studio art: rejected last week

    cranbrook: fibers: rejected a couple weeks ago

    saic: fibers: rejected

  5. Got a rejection letter from SAIC today. Two down six to go...

    @turnip: Hang in there!! I'm sure good news is just around the corner!

    i also got a letter of rejection from SAIC, thats one down for me.

  6. In my BFA program we were graded with Pass Fail and Honors (but honors was being done away with so it was kinda weird) and i feel this is a huge disadvantage. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem or can offer reassurance, or tell a tale of applying with a P/F transcript and not having it be a problem...? It bothers me because no matter what you do you pass, if you got what would've been a D or what would've been an A you passed and its really troublesome at times. It seems to me it would be incredibly difficult to know a student based on a transcript full of Ps

  7. i realize this doesnt answer the question exactly but i'm thinking that if she has already read one and KNOWS the other will be great, how drastically different can the other two really be? This is the same person we are talking about - how could two people recommend her highly and the others say anything completely different? Seems kinda pointless to me to feel the need to read them for fear one may be bad. WANTING to know what they say is different.

  8. Hi all,

    I'm applying to MFA sculpture programs right now for Fall 2010:





    UW(u of Washington)




    I have heard all these are great schools but don't know too many specifics of why they are good/bad. Got my BFA in Painting so my knowledge on 3d programs is not as good. Anyone else applying to sculpture? Any advice or suggestions concerning certain schools?

    I am applying to Hunter for sculpture as well. I'm also applying to SAIC but for fiber. I don't have any advice or suggestions, just wanted to say hey because this is the first i've seen for sculpture mfa on here.

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