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Posts posted by 1091098098

  1. @helenab I am not from the Chicago area-- I'm from DC! I'm balancing a 20k offer from the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment, for a Masters in Environmental Management. I'm trying to see if I can possibly get a little more aid from Chicago, because it's really expensive, but I really can't see myself going anywhere else! What about you-- other MPP programs?

  2. Admitted, with no funding, and super super stoked! Choosing between another offer (Duke Enviro Management) with 20k funding. A bit troubled at the prospect of coming up with the money for Chicago myself, but I don't know how I can turn down my dream school. Anyone else in the same boat? I was heartened by some 2011 posts in this thread that implied the Harris MPP is worth it no matter what the cost, but I know it's an individual choice for everyone. I wonder if most Harris MPPs share the sentiment that the cost ends up being worth it?

  3. I got admitted with no funding as well. Super stoked! The Harris Twitter was driving me CRAZY with the suspense, haha.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on UChicago without funding-- is that a choice most MPP students make? Is it worth it to take out loans for everything? I know that answer varies with every individual person, but I would love to hear others' thoughts on attending without funding. I'm weighing Duke Nicholas School (Master of Environmental Management) with 20k funding, but Chicago is my dream school. What is everyone else thinking? 

  4. I don't think there's any reason to be without hope. I've gotten into grad school with 0 work experience (straight out of undergrad). I would say you should certainly have hope as long as your grades were good in undergrad and, yes, you use your statements in part to explain how you've spent the last 4 years (and how they have motivated you to graduate study). Hopefully you can find some recommenders from your undergrad days, or from other work experience-- it sounds like you have some work experience in the last few years, just that you don't think it's super related to what you want to do. There are so many grad programs out there, and you seem very well spoken, so if you can rustle up those recommendations AND articulate why you want further study in your field, you should be very hopeful! 

    That said, there are tons of non-receptionist jobs out there for people with non-technical degrees, so don't immediately write off the possibility of gaining more work experience! 

  5. Hey guys! 

    Submitted a Columbia SIPA application last night and was surprised to see the application proof didn't contain copies of my 3 essays, my resume, or some of the form questions. This is only my second application. For my first, the proof contained everything I submitted. Is it normal for the application proofs to not reflect the essays, or did something get messed up in submission?

    My SIPA account also says it hasn't received the GRE score report, even though I sent it over a month ago. Should I shell out $25 to re-send, or wait? It could just be useless, because the deadline is in 3 days and it probably takes longer to send... 

    Thanks for any advice! 

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