Hi Asemoo,
Unfortunately, most come to learn these things through word of mouth as new grads looking for jobs. Sometimes, Reps at job fairs will explicitly tell you that they prefer students from this school, or that school, for whatever reason. Sometimes they will just warn you flat out that they prefer not to hire new grads from your school because of that school's focus. That said, not every employer cares that much, or bothers discriminating in this way (it really depends on the employer, or even just the staff doing the hiring), and it's not like they bar you from working there. I know people who graduating from UWO and got their first job in places known to hold this bias. So in the end it's really up to you, your experience, and how well you do in the interview... Sorry! I don't want to freak anyone out, your school does not determine the fate of your career, but it's still an important factor to keep in mind when deciding on a school! It does have an effect on your "hireability" as a new grad. But more than anything, where you do your placements determines your hireability as a new grad, so just make sure you really push for getting as many placements as possible in the area you want to practice in... And if you don't know where that is yet, just make your best bet and go for it, the clinical coordinators really do pay attention to how much interest you show in a certain area, and there is a good amount of competition between student for certain kinds of placements (I know, I know, the competition never ends...)